Saturday, December 24, 2011

39 weeks & 4 days pregnant

I am now 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant! No signs of labor yet :( I'm waiting for my lil man to get here! and today is Christmas Eve. I'm hoping he gets here before January. He has dropped a lot and he is really low now. I also had my membranes stripped Last week but it didn't do anything for me. Except I'm not sure my nurse did it right. I also found out last week that my doctor is out of the office for this week and next so if I do go into labor she won't be the one to deliver me, which made me mad that she didn't inform me about this. I have been trying to walk a lot and I also heard that fresh pineapple can help you go into labor but still no luck. Last week I was also still only one centimeter dilated but that really doesn't tell me anything because you can go from 0cm to 10 cm dilated in a day. I'm hoping he comes naturally though so I don't have to be induced. Anyways everyone wish me luck on a quick and easy labor and delivery. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

35 Weeks pregnant

WOW! I can't believe I'm 35 weeks already! Only about a month left before we get to meet our baby boy!!! :) It's crazy how fast all of this has gone by. We are SO SO excited! But I'm extremely nervous about labor and delivery. We'll get through it though. I just hope he's born before Christmas so we can have our little man with us on Christmas and so we don't spend Christmas in the hospital. He will definitely be the best present ever!  We had our baby shower last Saturday which went really good and was a lot of fun. We got a lot of good stuff that we will need and lots of diapers!(: We are completely set when he gets here! Which is a huge relief. Starting December we are going to clean everything so we are all prepared. Around my belly now measures 40". Kaiden still kicks all the time but I can tell that he is definitely getting cramped in there. He has about 1-2 pounds to gain still. December 2nd is my last 2 week appointment till I start going every week. It still doesn't seem real that he is going to be here so soon! In the midst of the holidays, getting shopping done for Christmas, and Thanksgiving and then finals next week its all going by so fast. Anyways, as I said, we are extremely excited to meet our baby boy and can't wait until he gets here! :)  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

32 weeks pregnant

Hey everyone! I know it's been 6 weeks since I've updated but not to much has happened. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant and 39.5" around my belly and I weigh 129 lbs. So I've gained 25 pounds since my pre-pregnancy weight. This week our baby boy weighs about 4 pounds and is about 17 inches long!! Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a strengthening immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive! He will also gain about a pound ever 2 weeks until he is born. Jake and I finally got the baby's nursery set up as you can see in the pictures above. All my pre-natal appointments have been good as well as baby Kaiden's heartbeat which has been in the 140's. At 28 weeks my appointments changed to every two weeks instead of every month. And at 36 weeks I will start going in every week! It's getting so close! only 2 more months till our lil man is here. For cravings I've been craving a lot of sweets! and halloween did not help lol, I also used to never drink milk but lately I have to have a glass of milk with every meal which is really weird for me. A couple weeks ago my appetite really went down though so now not many foods sound good to me. Some days I have to force myself to eat full meals and not just snacks. Also I have been feeling EXHAUSTED! It's hard for me to even stay awake in class, and I get really weak at random times during the day. I passed my glucose test at 25 weeks but I had to start taking more iron and calcium pills which I now have to take everyday as well as my pre-natal pills. On the up side Kaiden hasn't been in my ribs nearly as much, and his kicks have got a lot stronger as you can see in my video from my last blog. Other than that I only have about 5 1/2 weeks of school left! Then I'm taking next semester off to take care of Kaiden. Unfortunately we don't get any more ultra sounds. :/ Also, his baby shower is this month as well! (: So I can't wait to see everyone. That's about all! (:

week 28-32 pics and video

28 weeks

29 weeks
31 weeks

32 weeks  

Monday, September 26, 2011

26 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

25 Weeks
26 weeks

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated for 3 weeks! Not that much has happened, and I've been busy with exam's. Kaiden's been busy getting big and strong for the big day! I have my next appointment October 5th and I'll be 28 weeks exactly! Which means no more monthly appointments, my appointments will now be every 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks then I have an appointment every week! Another mile stone on Wednesday I will finally be in my third trimester! The last stretch, YAY! Besides being thirsty a lot I haven't had much for symptoms. Kaiden still loves to set him self up in my ribs, and last night he started kicking me in the ribs.. OUCH! We now have pretty much everything we need, we recently got the stroller and car seat that I wanted, his swing, the high chair, and more clothes. We set up his dresser as well. Now we are just waiting for Jake's sister to move out of the room down stairs so we can start setting up his nursery! haha. Since we set up the dresser I washed, folded and organized his clothes. I'm so excited to start decorating. We're still planning on having a baby shower next month sometime so hopefully all that works out ha. About a week ago I weighed 120, so I've gained about 16 pounds since before I was pregnant! And my belly measures about 36.5 inches around. 6 inches bigger from when I was 15 weeks pregnant which I was 30.7 inches. :O Oh and I forgot to mention that my next appointment I get to take my glucose test which checks for gestational diabetes. I get to drink this yummy sweet drink wait and hour an then get my blood taken. lol. I hope the results are good so I don't have to go back for the 3 hour glucose test. Other then that my appointment will just be a regular pre-natal appointment. :) Everything's been going well I will try and update soon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

23W 1D. Baby kicks, and being a young mom.

Hey everyone! Today I am 23 weeks and 1 days pregnant. Not much else has happened, just a few little updates. Lately baby has been kicking A LOT! through out the whole day, and now it's not just kicking, I can feel him moving when I have my hand on my belly. The other night there was a big hard round indent on my belly from where I'm pretty sure his head was. He loves to stretch out now and I can feel him pushing :) I love that feeling!! This week his swallowing reflex will develop so I should start to feel his hiccups soon. :) One thing that has been very uncomfortable is when he pushes on my ribs. If I'm sitting up it can be pretty uncomfortable cause its a lot of pressure, and it gets harder to breath cause he's pushing on my lungs as well. but usually when I lay down it helps a lot stretching out. And also the other night Jake was setting his head on my belly the baby kicks him in the ear lol, he seems to respond a lot to his voice too :) Another thing I wanted to mention is how dedicated to school I've been. I will admit last school year (my first year of college), I didn't try very hard and my grades showed from that. But this semester I had a complete turn around. It's not only because I want to get as many credits as I can before he's born but also cause I want him to be proud of me. Yes, I know I'm having a baby very young like many girls out there these days but I like to think of my situation as something different. I'm not going to quit going to school just because I have a child, I want him to be able to have a better life and so I can support him in every way that he needs. I'm not going to quit going to school and just work at a dead end job the rest of my life because I have a baby. In fact it should be the complete opposite. And because I have so much support that will make this all possible. Because of Jake and my family, I'm not worried about not having what we need now and for the future. If it wasn't for them I don't what I would do. I have such an amazing support group that I can still go to school and get my degree, I can still be with my son, and be financially supported. It's really an amazing feeling. I think that when a lot of girls get pregnant at a young age they think they either have to give up their child, quit going to school, or loose their relationships. This really is not the same situation for every teen mom. So for all the people that think that getting pregnant at a young age completely ruins your life, I'm just proof that it doesn't. I love my life right now and I wouldn't change a thing about it. So please don't feel bad for me because I'll be a young mom. I still have all my dreams that I will reach, I still have my family, my amazing boyfriend, my friends, and everything that I need to be happy in life. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

22 weeks 4 days pregnant

Hey everyone! I'm back. Sorry I have posted in a couple of weeks! I've been busy getting ready for and starting to go back to school after the long summer. I am 22 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! Crazy only 18 more weeks left :) Baby has been kicking me like crazy now. I think he's getting a little squished ha which is good cause it means he's growing. Also we might be having a name change for him. I love the name Kaiden but when looking up the meaning of Kaiden I stumbled along the name Rylan as well! I'm not sure which one I like better! and also Jake found a middle name we really like which is "Rhys" Pronounced like Reece only spelled differently. It seems like the baby stuff is stacking up already lol, So I can't wait to get his nursery set up! My next pre-natal appt. is on September 9th, just a regular check up to check his heartbeat and make sure everything is still looking good! Other than that not much else has happened! Oh and my belly is a hand magnet now I know what people were talking about! I'm sure it only gets worse lol. I've also been trying to get a good video of him kicking which I haven't managed to do yet, so as soon as I get a better video I will post it! I'll update everyone next time I get the chance to lol! :) So keep checking back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

20 weeks IT"S A BOY! :)

Profile picture at 20 weeks.

So I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment yesterday! I was lucky they got me in at the st.lukes imaging center because at the womens clinic where I was supposed to have my ultrasound the ultrasound tech was out sick! So I got lucky lol! All of you that thought I was having a boy you were correct! I was still skeptical but YAY! Me and Jake are SO SO happy that were having a baby boy! Baby Kaiden is 100% healthy and all the things they needed to look for, everything looks perfect! :) So happy knowing that! He is about 10 1/2 inches long already! omg! and his heart beat was 147 bpm. (: Luckily we bought a boy bedding set! :D But we're going to have to get rid of the cute little girl clothes we already bought :( Including the cute bunny slippers but oh well! :) We'll just have to get him some dinosaur slippers lol! Jake is still gone :( I miss him like crazy! But can't wait for him to get back so we can go baby shopping :D Anyways.. time to start planning the baby shower lol, I'll probably be having it in October sometime, not sure yet. But that's about it! Just thought I would let you guys know the EXCITING news!
Gender Picture ^ It's a boy!

Baby Kaiden's spine. He was upside down.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

19 weeks 5 days Pregnant

So today I am 19 weeks and 5 days today! Crazy to think I'm pretty much half way done and I found out at 6 weeks! Only four more months to go and I know that I'm going wake up and the baby is going be here in the blink of an eye. lol. I've been feeling great lately! Way to tired to go out in the heat though I'm so glad I'm not at the end of my pregnancy in summer. I give girls props that are lol. Also the day after tomorrow is my ultrasound!! I can hardly wait! :D Finding out what I'm having! :) :) :)  Jake officially left for AT tonight :( It's going to suck while he is gone for a month when the longest I've been away from him is 10 days! But hopefully it flies by! Also I start school this month on August 22nd! so I'm very excited to get back into school! This summer seems like its going on forever lol. Other than that not much else has been going on! I'll update Monday after my ultrasound! :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

18 weeks 2 days :)

Today I am 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant. :) I had a pre-natal appointment yesterday with my new doctor/ nurse. It went really well! I think I am going to like this doctor a lot more than my other one. My blood pressure was good as well as the baby's heart beat, she said it was in the 150's! :) We finally scheduled my next ultra sound for August 8th! Even though that's the day after Jake leaves he just wants to find out when he gets back from his military training, he gets back around the 24th of August! :/. So I'm just going to have my mom and 2 of my friends come with me. On the 8th I will be 20 weeks. I will finally find out what I'm having! :D I hope the baby is in the right position because every time we try and find the heart beat the baby is moving around. haha. Even though I STILL think that it's a boy we will know for sure! :) only 12 more days haha I'm counting down! And then I have another regular pre-natal appointment on August 11th with my doctor. I also gained 5 pounds in the past month! I'm now 109.8 lbs. First time I've gained weight since I found out I was pregnant lol. For symptoms, I don't have much besides having to pee all the time, and I'm starting to get a weird rash on my face :( I'm not sure if that's from the pregnancy or being allergic to something! I hope it goes away soon! and also getting really light headed when I get up. Not much else is new! So I'll probably update next when I know what the sex of the baby is! :) So go guess on my expect net at the top of the page click on the link, anyone can guess :) Anyways Hope everyone has a awesome week! Talk to you all soon! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

17 Weeks (:

17 weeks ^^

I am 17 weeks tomorrow..But close enough lol. Sorry guys I haven't written a blog in a few weeks things have been EXTREMELY busy. First off we are finally moved into our new place and we LOVE it :) That's what I've mainly been busy with was packing and moving! and are finally done! lol, I am also currently in Montana, I left Friday and should be back next Saturday, we are here visiting my Grandma and Aunt. Haha definitely the last trip I will be on for quite awhile. The long 8 hour car rides kill me ha especially after our trip to Seattle! And also I have switched doctors to a different doctor that works in the Meridian St. Lukes instead of the Boise St. Lukes. So all my appointments will be in Meridian but the delivery will still be in Boise which I am completely okay with because they have the level 3 NICU just in case something goes wrong. I'm hoping my new doctor treats me a little better than the last one, cause my last doctor didn't really seem to interested in me or my pregnancy and kinda acted like she didn't care. She was definitely not the person I want to deliver my baby. lol. This morning was the first time I know for a fact I felt my baby move. I was barely awake lol but I felt it. It felt like 2 tiny punches and then I waited but didn't feel anything else after that. It was SO exciting though :) Oh my gosh!! only 3 more weeks and I'm half way done! :D This little one is going to be here before I know it! Since I switched doctors I'm not sure when I'm going to have the ultrasound to tell the gender but I am going to bring it up to my new doctor as soon as I get back at my next appointment and hopefully we can have that scheduled with in the next couple of weeks! I'm so anxious now because I have read that by this time they can usually tell the sex of your baby :D Next month Jake leaves for training :( So time to spend as much time with him as I can! :) And I start school next month as well! Busy busy busy! lol. So if I don't update every week you know why ha. Here's some pictures from my trip below! :) Hope everyone's having a great day., Talk to you on my next update! and ALSO if you haven't guessed the Gender yet, do so now cause I find out in a few weeks! CLICK on the orange box at the top where it says! :) Thanks Everyone!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

15 Weeks 3 Days- prenatal update

So yesterday July 6th, 2011, I had a regular pre-natal appointment. Everything looks good my weight was 105.7 lbs. So I 'm not gaining much weight so far from the lil one. And heard the baby's heart beat but the baby kept moving around so it was hard to hear it for a long time. The heart beat was 156 BPM. She also changed my due date back to December 26th.  So I thought since I will be a little over 19 weeks in a month before Jake and my mom leave that the doctor would let me have my 20 week ultra-sound but nope! She said that she won't due it any earlier then the tenth because she wants me to be far along enough that they can tell if there are any medical issues and Jake leaves on the 7th :( So she said that I could due it any time after August tenth. So I was thinking about going when Jake is gone so I can start buying stuff for the baby after I find out the sex and then just surprise him when he gets home, or I can wait until he gets home. I'm not sure what to do yet :/ I was pretty bummed after leaving yesterday. My doctor doesn't really seem to care if we find out the sex or not, so I'm kinda glad that she's not the one doing the ultra sound. On a good note, we got the town home we wanted to move into and are going to look at their 2 floor plans today and get stuff going so we can start moving our stuff in this weekend! :D and in about 4 months I'm going to start setting up the nursery :) And I start school next month so I'm excited about that as well :) Anyways if you have any questions leave me a comment, I'll probably update in about a week or so. And one last thing I got both test results back for the down syndrome test and they came back that I have one in ten thousand chance of my baby having down syndrome which is the best results that they can come out to :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

15 weeks Pregnant

15 Weeks (:
July 5th, 2011- Today I am 15 weeks pregnant. :) Tomorrow I have a pre-natal appointment, with my regular doctor. Just a normal appointment to check the heart beat, my weight, and blood pressure like usual and make sure that everything is right on track! My next appointment will be at 19 weeks and that's hopefully when I will find out the sex. If the doctor makes me wait till I'm 20 weeks, it won't be good because that's when Jake is gone for military training and my mom is gone for work! So hopefully the first week in August I will find out :D So I can go baby shopping while their gone to keep me busy lol. We are moving next week as well so I have started packing stuff in our apartment already! I can't wait to move. We already have the baby crib, changing table, and dresser and they all match :) Ha! I can't wait to actually be able to buy gender colored baby stuff. Earlier today I swear I felt the baby kick. I'm not totally sure though. I heard that it's to early but I also heard from people you might start feeling little flutters on your belly and its the baby. I guess I'll know in a few weeks! :) I also started a pregnancy keepsake journal. I got this book from baby's R us that tracks everything in each semester of my pregnancy so Me or the baby can look back on things that happened. :) ANYWAYS.. I'll update next week!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

13 Weeks 6 Days ultrasound

I just had my 11-13 week ultra sound/ blood test today 6/29/11(: The screening was to check for down syndrome and Trisomy 18. From what they could tell everything was normal, now were just waiting for the blood test to come back which takes about a week. It was AMAZING seeing how much the baby had grown in just seven weeks! They couldn't quite tell the sex of him/her yet but the doctor said it MIGHT be a boy. But to not say for sure until my 18-22 week ultra sound. So we get to find out in a month! :D I'm SO SO excited! YAY. ha I have a feeling that I'm going to be going crazy though buying a lot of baby stuff/clothes once I find out the gender. I have another appointment at my regular doctor on the sixth which should just be a usual check up and then schedule my ultra sound for the next appointment in August. She also changed my due date to December 29th 2011, So that set me a week ahead making me about 14 weeks instead of 13. Were hoping for a new years or a Christmas baby now. During the ultra sound the baby was VERY active kicking its feet, moving its arms, and opening and closing it's mouth. We asked the doctor if we could record a video but she said we couldn't for some reason :(  It's so hard to describe the feeling of seeing your child move around on the ultra sound for the first time. (because the first ultra sound you couldn't really see anything.) It is nothing less than amazing! It makes me want to hold and see him/her so much more! :) I can't wait till we get to meet our little one. :) Time couldn't go by any slower now lol. As for symptoms go, I have a little bit of cramping here and there but nothing to bad and thats about it besides being tired a lot but that could be cause there's never anything to do ha and I'm just bored at home. On a side note the God and Country rally was tonight and besides the fireworks being lame! it was good to see a bunch of old friends that I haven't seen in awhile. (: And Me and Jake are going up with a couple of my friends Eva and Bryan to a cabin in McCall to watch the fireworks for the fourth of July. Ever since I went last year, I'm turning it into a tradition now lol. Also with the baby the heart beat was at 156 and the doctor printed off 12 pictures from the ultrasound but I just posted the 3 that I thought were the best so here's little Kaiden or Adellyn at 13 weeks and 6 days!
Body View ^
The hand was by it's mouth  ^^
The top of the baby's skull and their little arms :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

12 weeks! YAY second trimester.

In Seattle :)
I'm 12 weeks today haha finally in my second trimester where things are supposed to get better. :) I have an ultrasound in 8 days! :D I'm so excited because the last time I got to see my little peanut I was only 6 weeks, and now I will be 13 weeks. The only part I'm not excited about is the blood work ha but I gotta do what I gotta do, I'm kinda starting to get used to the needles lol! Aside from the pregnancy we just got back from a week long vacation in Seattle for five days and right when we got back from Seattle we went to McCall for two days. Yesterday was the first day of being able to come home and relax! Jake went back to school yesterday, lol, so back to me being at home most the time and him being in school. I'm excited to go back to school in the fall even though most of my classes are going to be online because I will still be in school at the end of my pregnancy and I figured it would be easier taking them online than going to class everyday when I'm 9 months pregnant. I also have another doctor appointment with my regular doctor on July 6th! Usually when I don't drink a lot of water I get really dizzy during the day and get bad headaches so its a good reminder to drink water ha. My biggest craving has definitely been cereal! lol, No pickle and ice cream cravings for me ha. This week the baby will develop reflexes and if I press on my belly it will move to avoid it. He/she will also be able to make sucking noises and curl his/her toes. He/she will start moving his/her eyes from side to side as well. So much is going on inside :) It's amazing! Both times that I have had an appointment and checked the heart beat the baby has been on my left side under my belly button. And the baby is about 2.1 inches long and the size of a lime or a plum. :) Oh and it is also mine and Jake's 8 month today :) how time fly's lol. I will update on the 29th when I have my ultrasound and to post pictures! :)  
From the Argosy cruise in Seattle, WA

Picture from Seattle

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog number one! 11 weeks pregnant

Hey everyone! It's Jessie! :) I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and 5 days. I decided to start a blog so family and friends can see whats going on during and after my pregnancy. I'm  18, turning 19 in September, and my boyfriend Jake (the dad), is 21 about to turn 22 next month on July 22nd. We're both college students, and Jake is in the Army as well. We're living in Idaho but plan on moving in a couple years to transfer to a different college. A little about my pregnancy: No this wasn't planned but now that we are going to be parents we could not be more excited! The first ultra sound/pre-natal appointment we had was at St.Lukes in Boise. We found out that I was 6 weeks and one day, and seeing our baby's heartbeat was the most amazing thing in the world. :D  So far we have only had 2 doctor appointments, and have them once every month. I have a screening on June 29 for sickle cell anemia and make sure that there are no deformities and are getting another ultra sound! (I can't wait!) And so far all my tests and blood work have came out perfect! My due date is January 3rd 2012! So were hoping for a new years baby! lol, :) We have already bought some things for the baby like the crib, changing table, diapers, and a diaper genie. We also bought some gender neutral clothes as well. ha. Can you tell we're excited? We're  living in an apartment but plan on moving into a house in 2 months when our lease is up! I can't wait to decorate the nursery! We decided that the nursery is going to be a jungle theme whether its a boy or a girl! :) So I'm hoping we can paint the room. I haven't gained much weight, 2 pounds at most. But because I'm regularly 103 I have a feeling I'm going to get big. I already have a little baby bump. I'm hoping that our baby will be around the seven pound mark. I was lucky that I didn't have ANY morning sickness in the previous weeks, I only had cramping and some nauseousness and no appetite which all these symptoms seem to have faded! We already have our baby names picked out as well, but might change later on. If it's a boy were naming him Kaiden and if it's a girl were naming her Adellyn Rose. :)  Jake picked the girls name and I picked the boys name. I'm hoping it's a girl but either way doesn't matter, as long as I have a healthy baby of course! Oh and on a last note On my first appointment the baby's heart beat was only 109 and then on the second appointment we found out that the heart beat had gone up to 160! :) That's all for now! I will update in a few weeks so keep checking back! :) 
Me at 11 weeks. I'm not as big in person lol I just look big in this picture.

Baby At six weeks!