Thursday, September 1, 2011

23W 1D. Baby kicks, and being a young mom.

Hey everyone! Today I am 23 weeks and 1 days pregnant. Not much else has happened, just a few little updates. Lately baby has been kicking A LOT! through out the whole day, and now it's not just kicking, I can feel him moving when I have my hand on my belly. The other night there was a big hard round indent on my belly from where I'm pretty sure his head was. He loves to stretch out now and I can feel him pushing :) I love that feeling!! This week his swallowing reflex will develop so I should start to feel his hiccups soon. :) One thing that has been very uncomfortable is when he pushes on my ribs. If I'm sitting up it can be pretty uncomfortable cause its a lot of pressure, and it gets harder to breath cause he's pushing on my lungs as well. but usually when I lay down it helps a lot stretching out. And also the other night Jake was setting his head on my belly the baby kicks him in the ear lol, he seems to respond a lot to his voice too :) Another thing I wanted to mention is how dedicated to school I've been. I will admit last school year (my first year of college), I didn't try very hard and my grades showed from that. But this semester I had a complete turn around. It's not only because I want to get as many credits as I can before he's born but also cause I want him to be proud of me. Yes, I know I'm having a baby very young like many girls out there these days but I like to think of my situation as something different. I'm not going to quit going to school just because I have a child, I want him to be able to have a better life and so I can support him in every way that he needs. I'm not going to quit going to school and just work at a dead end job the rest of my life because I have a baby. In fact it should be the complete opposite. And because I have so much support that will make this all possible. Because of Jake and my family, I'm not worried about not having what we need now and for the future. If it wasn't for them I don't what I would do. I have such an amazing support group that I can still go to school and get my degree, I can still be with my son, and be financially supported. It's really an amazing feeling. I think that when a lot of girls get pregnant at a young age they think they either have to give up their child, quit going to school, or loose their relationships. This really is not the same situation for every teen mom. So for all the people that think that getting pregnant at a young age completely ruins your life, I'm just proof that it doesn't. I love my life right now and I wouldn't change a thing about it. So please don't feel bad for me because I'll be a young mom. I still have all my dreams that I will reach, I still have my family, my amazing boyfriend, my friends, and everything that I need to be happy in life. :)

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