Monday, September 26, 2011

26 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

25 Weeks
26 weeks

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated for 3 weeks! Not that much has happened, and I've been busy with exam's. Kaiden's been busy getting big and strong for the big day! I have my next appointment October 5th and I'll be 28 weeks exactly! Which means no more monthly appointments, my appointments will now be every 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks then I have an appointment every week! Another mile stone on Wednesday I will finally be in my third trimester! The last stretch, YAY! Besides being thirsty a lot I haven't had much for symptoms. Kaiden still loves to set him self up in my ribs, and last night he started kicking me in the ribs.. OUCH! We now have pretty much everything we need, we recently got the stroller and car seat that I wanted, his swing, the high chair, and more clothes. We set up his dresser as well. Now we are just waiting for Jake's sister to move out of the room down stairs so we can start setting up his nursery! haha. Since we set up the dresser I washed, folded and organized his clothes. I'm so excited to start decorating. We're still planning on having a baby shower next month sometime so hopefully all that works out ha. About a week ago I weighed 120, so I've gained about 16 pounds since before I was pregnant! And my belly measures about 36.5 inches around. 6 inches bigger from when I was 15 weeks pregnant which I was 30.7 inches. :O Oh and I forgot to mention that my next appointment I get to take my glucose test which checks for gestational diabetes. I get to drink this yummy sweet drink wait and hour an then get my blood taken. lol. I hope the results are good so I don't have to go back for the 3 hour glucose test. Other then that my appointment will just be a regular pre-natal appointment. :) Everything's been going well I will try and update soon.

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