Tuesday, June 21, 2011

12 weeks! YAY second trimester.

In Seattle :)
I'm 12 weeks today haha finally in my second trimester where things are supposed to get better. :) I have an ultrasound in 8 days! :D I'm so excited because the last time I got to see my little peanut I was only 6 weeks, and now I will be 13 weeks. The only part I'm not excited about is the blood work ha but I gotta do what I gotta do, I'm kinda starting to get used to the needles lol! Aside from the pregnancy we just got back from a week long vacation in Seattle for five days and right when we got back from Seattle we went to McCall for two days. Yesterday was the first day of being able to come home and relax! Jake went back to school yesterday, lol, so back to me being at home most the time and him being in school. I'm excited to go back to school in the fall even though most of my classes are going to be online because I will still be in school at the end of my pregnancy and I figured it would be easier taking them online than going to class everyday when I'm 9 months pregnant. I also have another doctor appointment with my regular doctor on July 6th! Usually when I don't drink a lot of water I get really dizzy during the day and get bad headaches so its a good reminder to drink water ha. My biggest craving has definitely been cereal! lol, No pickle and ice cream cravings for me ha. This week the baby will develop reflexes and if I press on my belly it will move to avoid it. He/she will also be able to make sucking noises and curl his/her toes. He/she will start moving his/her eyes from side to side as well. So much is going on inside :) It's amazing! Both times that I have had an appointment and checked the heart beat the baby has been on my left side under my belly button. And the baby is about 2.1 inches long and the size of a lime or a plum. :) Oh and it is also mine and Jake's 8 month today :) how time fly's lol. I will update on the 29th when I have my ultrasound and to post pictures! :)  
From the Argosy cruise in Seattle, WA

Picture from Seattle

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