Thursday, June 30, 2011

13 Weeks 6 Days ultrasound

I just had my 11-13 week ultra sound/ blood test today 6/29/11(: The screening was to check for down syndrome and Trisomy 18. From what they could tell everything was normal, now were just waiting for the blood test to come back which takes about a week. It was AMAZING seeing how much the baby had grown in just seven weeks! They couldn't quite tell the sex of him/her yet but the doctor said it MIGHT be a boy. But to not say for sure until my 18-22 week ultra sound. So we get to find out in a month! :D I'm SO SO excited! YAY. ha I have a feeling that I'm going to be going crazy though buying a lot of baby stuff/clothes once I find out the gender. I have another appointment at my regular doctor on the sixth which should just be a usual check up and then schedule my ultra sound for the next appointment in August. She also changed my due date to December 29th 2011, So that set me a week ahead making me about 14 weeks instead of 13. Were hoping for a new years or a Christmas baby now. During the ultra sound the baby was VERY active kicking its feet, moving its arms, and opening and closing it's mouth. We asked the doctor if we could record a video but she said we couldn't for some reason :(  It's so hard to describe the feeling of seeing your child move around on the ultra sound for the first time. (because the first ultra sound you couldn't really see anything.) It is nothing less than amazing! It makes me want to hold and see him/her so much more! :) I can't wait till we get to meet our little one. :) Time couldn't go by any slower now lol. As for symptoms go, I have a little bit of cramping here and there but nothing to bad and thats about it besides being tired a lot but that could be cause there's never anything to do ha and I'm just bored at home. On a side note the God and Country rally was tonight and besides the fireworks being lame! it was good to see a bunch of old friends that I haven't seen in awhile. (: And Me and Jake are going up with a couple of my friends Eva and Bryan to a cabin in McCall to watch the fireworks for the fourth of July. Ever since I went last year, I'm turning it into a tradition now lol. Also with the baby the heart beat was at 156 and the doctor printed off 12 pictures from the ultrasound but I just posted the 3 that I thought were the best so here's little Kaiden or Adellyn at 13 weeks and 6 days!
Body View ^
The hand was by it's mouth  ^^
The top of the baby's skull and their little arms :)

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