Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog number one! 11 weeks pregnant

Hey everyone! It's Jessie! :) I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and 5 days. I decided to start a blog so family and friends can see whats going on during and after my pregnancy. I'm  18, turning 19 in September, and my boyfriend Jake (the dad), is 21 about to turn 22 next month on July 22nd. We're both college students, and Jake is in the Army as well. We're living in Idaho but plan on moving in a couple years to transfer to a different college. A little about my pregnancy: No this wasn't planned but now that we are going to be parents we could not be more excited! The first ultra sound/pre-natal appointment we had was at St.Lukes in Boise. We found out that I was 6 weeks and one day, and seeing our baby's heartbeat was the most amazing thing in the world. :D  So far we have only had 2 doctor appointments, and have them once every month. I have a screening on June 29 for sickle cell anemia and make sure that there are no deformities and are getting another ultra sound! (I can't wait!) And so far all my tests and blood work have came out perfect! My due date is January 3rd 2012! So were hoping for a new years baby! lol, :) We have already bought some things for the baby like the crib, changing table, diapers, and a diaper genie. We also bought some gender neutral clothes as well. ha. Can you tell we're excited? We're  living in an apartment but plan on moving into a house in 2 months when our lease is up! I can't wait to decorate the nursery! We decided that the nursery is going to be a jungle theme whether its a boy or a girl! :) So I'm hoping we can paint the room. I haven't gained much weight, 2 pounds at most. But because I'm regularly 103 I have a feeling I'm going to get big. I already have a little baby bump. I'm hoping that our baby will be around the seven pound mark. I was lucky that I didn't have ANY morning sickness in the previous weeks, I only had cramping and some nauseousness and no appetite which all these symptoms seem to have faded! We already have our baby names picked out as well, but might change later on. If it's a boy were naming him Kaiden and if it's a girl were naming her Adellyn Rose. :)  Jake picked the girls name and I picked the boys name. I'm hoping it's a girl but either way doesn't matter, as long as I have a healthy baby of course! Oh and on a last note On my first appointment the baby's heart beat was only 109 and then on the second appointment we found out that the heart beat had gone up to 160! :) That's all for now! I will update in a few weeks so keep checking back! :) 
Me at 11 weeks. I'm not as big in person lol I just look big in this picture.

Baby At six weeks!

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