Thursday, July 7, 2011

15 Weeks 3 Days- prenatal update

So yesterday July 6th, 2011, I had a regular pre-natal appointment. Everything looks good my weight was 105.7 lbs. So I 'm not gaining much weight so far from the lil one. And heard the baby's heart beat but the baby kept moving around so it was hard to hear it for a long time. The heart beat was 156 BPM. She also changed my due date back to December 26th.  So I thought since I will be a little over 19 weeks in a month before Jake and my mom leave that the doctor would let me have my 20 week ultra-sound but nope! She said that she won't due it any earlier then the tenth because she wants me to be far along enough that they can tell if there are any medical issues and Jake leaves on the 7th :( So she said that I could due it any time after August tenth. So I was thinking about going when Jake is gone so I can start buying stuff for the baby after I find out the sex and then just surprise him when he gets home, or I can wait until he gets home. I'm not sure what to do yet :/ I was pretty bummed after leaving yesterday. My doctor doesn't really seem to care if we find out the sex or not, so I'm kinda glad that she's not the one doing the ultra sound. On a good note, we got the town home we wanted to move into and are going to look at their 2 floor plans today and get stuff going so we can start moving our stuff in this weekend! :D and in about 4 months I'm going to start setting up the nursery :) And I start school next month so I'm excited about that as well :) Anyways if you have any questions leave me a comment, I'll probably update in about a week or so. And one last thing I got both test results back for the down syndrome test and they came back that I have one in ten thousand chance of my baby having down syndrome which is the best results that they can come out to :D

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