Sunday, July 17, 2011

17 Weeks (:

17 weeks ^^

I am 17 weeks tomorrow..But close enough lol. Sorry guys I haven't written a blog in a few weeks things have been EXTREMELY busy. First off we are finally moved into our new place and we LOVE it :) That's what I've mainly been busy with was packing and moving! and are finally done! lol, I am also currently in Montana, I left Friday and should be back next Saturday, we are here visiting my Grandma and Aunt. Haha definitely the last trip I will be on for quite awhile. The long 8 hour car rides kill me ha especially after our trip to Seattle! And also I have switched doctors to a different doctor that works in the Meridian St. Lukes instead of the Boise St. Lukes. So all my appointments will be in Meridian but the delivery will still be in Boise which I am completely okay with because they have the level 3 NICU just in case something goes wrong. I'm hoping my new doctor treats me a little better than the last one, cause my last doctor didn't really seem to interested in me or my pregnancy and kinda acted like she didn't care. She was definitely not the person I want to deliver my baby. lol. This morning was the first time I know for a fact I felt my baby move. I was barely awake lol but I felt it. It felt like 2 tiny punches and then I waited but didn't feel anything else after that. It was SO exciting though :) Oh my gosh!! only 3 more weeks and I'm half way done! :D This little one is going to be here before I know it! Since I switched doctors I'm not sure when I'm going to have the ultrasound to tell the gender but I am going to bring it up to my new doctor as soon as I get back at my next appointment and hopefully we can have that scheduled with in the next couple of weeks! I'm so anxious now because I have read that by this time they can usually tell the sex of your baby :D Next month Jake leaves for training :( So time to spend as much time with him as I can! :) And I start school next month as well! Busy busy busy! lol. So if I don't update every week you know why ha. Here's some pictures from my trip below! :) Hope everyone's having a great day., Talk to you on my next update! and ALSO if you haven't guessed the Gender yet, do so now cause I find out in a few weeks! CLICK on the orange box at the top where it says! :) Thanks Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl :) I love and miss you!! I'm glad to hear that the baby is kicking! Ttys!
