Wednesday, November 23, 2011

35 Weeks pregnant

WOW! I can't believe I'm 35 weeks already! Only about a month left before we get to meet our baby boy!!! :) It's crazy how fast all of this has gone by. We are SO SO excited! But I'm extremely nervous about labor and delivery. We'll get through it though. I just hope he's born before Christmas so we can have our little man with us on Christmas and so we don't spend Christmas in the hospital. He will definitely be the best present ever!  We had our baby shower last Saturday which went really good and was a lot of fun. We got a lot of good stuff that we will need and lots of diapers!(: We are completely set when he gets here! Which is a huge relief. Starting December we are going to clean everything so we are all prepared. Around my belly now measures 40". Kaiden still kicks all the time but I can tell that he is definitely getting cramped in there. He has about 1-2 pounds to gain still. December 2nd is my last 2 week appointment till I start going every week. It still doesn't seem real that he is going to be here so soon! In the midst of the holidays, getting shopping done for Christmas, and Thanksgiving and then finals next week its all going by so fast. Anyways, as I said, we are extremely excited to meet our baby boy and can't wait until he gets here! :)  

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