Thursday, November 3, 2011

32 weeks pregnant

Hey everyone! I know it's been 6 weeks since I've updated but not to much has happened. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant and 39.5" around my belly and I weigh 129 lbs. So I've gained 25 pounds since my pre-pregnancy weight. This week our baby boy weighs about 4 pounds and is about 17 inches long!! Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a strengthening immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive! He will also gain about a pound ever 2 weeks until he is born. Jake and I finally got the baby's nursery set up as you can see in the pictures above. All my pre-natal appointments have been good as well as baby Kaiden's heartbeat which has been in the 140's. At 28 weeks my appointments changed to every two weeks instead of every month. And at 36 weeks I will start going in every week! It's getting so close! only 2 more months till our lil man is here. For cravings I've been craving a lot of sweets! and halloween did not help lol, I also used to never drink milk but lately I have to have a glass of milk with every meal which is really weird for me. A couple weeks ago my appetite really went down though so now not many foods sound good to me. Some days I have to force myself to eat full meals and not just snacks. Also I have been feeling EXHAUSTED! It's hard for me to even stay awake in class, and I get really weak at random times during the day. I passed my glucose test at 25 weeks but I had to start taking more iron and calcium pills which I now have to take everyday as well as my pre-natal pills. On the up side Kaiden hasn't been in my ribs nearly as much, and his kicks have got a lot stronger as you can see in my video from my last blog. Other than that I only have about 5 1/2 weeks of school left! Then I'm taking next semester off to take care of Kaiden. Unfortunately we don't get any more ultra sounds. :/ Also, his baby shower is this month as well! (: So I can't wait to see everyone. That's about all! (:

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