Monday, March 24, 2014

18 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 18 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain: 112-113 pounds. I've gained 7 pounds this far.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit into some of my loose fitting shirts but I definitely can't wear any of my jeans anymore. Hello maternity jeans and yoga pants! lol.
Stretch marks: My belly has been ITCHING like CRAZY!! I wouldn't be surprised if I got more stretch marks this pregnancy. None that are noticeable to me as new stretch marks yet, just a bunch that are showing through that are old and faded blue ones that I had got from Kaidens pregnancy. I have been rubbing coconut oil and stretch oil all over my belly when it gets itchy. 
Sleep: Same as last week :) sleep has been good lately, it does take me awhile to get comfortable but once I'm asleep I'm asleep for the rest of the night. I'm also getting bigger to the point where it can be difficult to turn over sometimes.
Best moment of this week: FINDING OUT THE GENDER OF COURSE! Go read my gender reveal blog and watch the video :)
Miss anything: I miss when my belly wasn't itchy! and I miss not being able to eat raw cookie dough lol.
Movement: I feel kicks all the time in the morning and at random times throughout the day and when I go to bed at night. If I'm lucky I'll feel in with my hand on the outside but movements aren't big enough to where I can see them yet.
Food cravings: Chocolate is amazing these days!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!. :)
Have you started to show yet: I sure have!
Gender: It's a BOY!! :D 
Labor signs: No labor signs.
Belly button in or out: belly button is flat! 
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still, still no swelling! YAY!. 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been happy lately! and have had a lot more energy. I think some slight nesting has started now that we know what we're having! I found the bedding set that I want and what theme I want the nursery which is nautical theme.

Looking forward to: Having Jake feel baby kick, and seeing movement on the outside. baby seems super shy when I start to put my hand on my belly, he stops kicking :P

BABY BUYS: Now that we know what we're having we went and bought some really cute baby boy clothes :) makes me even more excited to be having another boy! I realized I saved like 2 newborn outfits from Kaiden so we have a lot of shopping to do! I don't think it would have mattered much though since this baby will be born in August and Kaiden was born in January so they were on different ends when it came to seasons.


It's a BOY!! - Gender Reveal - Baby #2

We found out on March 21st 2014 that we are having our second precious baby boy! We went to the ultrasound at St. Lukes imaging center. I was on team boy since the beginning and Jake was completely team girl. They made me drink 32 oz. of water before my appointment which was so painful by the time we got into the room, luckily I didn't have to hold it the whole ultrasound! We had an awesome ultrasound tech who was so patient. She had us get all the important measurements before taking the cute ultrasound pictures and finding out the gender. It was a more detailed ultrasound machine so we got to see where the umbilical cord went into the belly button and you could actually see how the cord was twisted on the ultrasound which was really neat. She then checked the gender and it was clearly a boy! No doubt in anybody's mind! Baby had his hands up by his face the whole ultrasound, which he also had at our 12 week ultrasound as well. I'm pretty sure this baby isn't going to like being swaddled. He also had his legs up by his stomach curled up like a little frog.  As you can probably tell, we still don't have a name picked out :( I've been looking like crazy but haven't found anything that sounds like it would fit and that me and Jake both agree on. We do like the names Bentley, Eli and Makai but still not sure about any names yet. After the ultrasound we went to zurchers to get blue balloons and then went down town Boise in front of city hall by the fountain to take our gender reveal pictures. We had a lot of people saying congrats while taking them. We then went to fresh off the hook which is a really good sea food restaurant to celebrate finding out the gender! Anyways we are so excited to be having baby boy number 2 and can't wait to meet him! 

A link to the gender reveal video:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

17 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: Still at 110 so 4 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: Definitely wearing maternity clothes now, my pants won't button anymore which is why I wear sweats when I can and even my size small maternity shirt is feeling a bit tight. 
Stretch marks: No new ones that I notice but I can definitely see all the old ones that I got with Kaiden. A bunch of old blue squiggles on my belly now that my skin is pretty stretched out.
Sleep: sleep has been good lately, it does take me awhile to get comfortable but once I'm asleep I'm asleep for the rest of the night. I'm also getting bigger to the point where it can be difficult to turn over sometimes.
Best moment of this week: Feeling the baby kick for the first time on the outside! I was laying down with Kaiden at my parents and baby was all up on the right side and I felt the baby kick so I put my hand there and then felt the baby do one more strong kick! SO EXCITING! 
Miss anything: Running around with Kaiden as much as I used to and crawling all over the play ground with him. I'm not as able to do that anymore. :/
Movement: YES! I feel little wiggles all the time and feeling the baby kick on the outside for the first time!
Food cravings: Still no pregnancy cravings (although sweets taste pretty good!) :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Foods with a lot of spices like soups. 
Have you started to show yet: Of course! I'm getting big now(:
Gender: Still feel like we are having a boy! We find out next week which is so exciting! Everyone keeps saying we're having a girl so sometimes it sways my mind but I still think its a boy! This will be my last pregnancy update until we find out! So I want to say I will be happy no matter what we have! I will absolutely enjoy having another baby boy because Kaiden is my pride and joy, but having a girl will be a whole new experience and I would love to have a little blonde cutie running around! :) 
Labor signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Pointy belly button. :P
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still, still no swelling! YAY!. 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been a lot happier this week than last. Energy started to pick up towards the end of this week! I didn't realize how bad my energy was until it started to pick up and I can now get some stuff done around the house with out feeling like falling asleep.

Looking forward to: FINDING OUT WHAT WE ARE HAVING!!! 

BABY BUYS: This week we bought our diaper bag! Its not technically a diaper bag but its a cute big blue bag I got at marshals for $40 and it seems to be better quality than the actual "diaper bags" that they have at babies r us so I got it (: and it should be big enough for both kiddo's.

Monday, March 17, 2014

16 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

Ah 16 weeks pregnant already! I can't believe in only a month I'll already be half way done with this pregnancy.

As far as symptoms go, my nausea has started to come back. It is very random and its nothing that I know of that triggers it but it will come and go in small 20 minute spurts. I did notice that sometimes when I lay on my left side I will start to feel a little sick until I turn over to my right side and it goes away.

Cravings: Still no crazy pregnancy cravings of things I HAVE to have although there are certain things that taste amazing over others such as ice cream! YUM. and Buffalo wild wings honey bbq and honey bourbon flavored wings with ranch.

Doctors Appointment: I had my 16 week midwife appointment this week. Everything looks good, and the babies heart beat is 160 BPM. She wanted me to have my next ultrasound at the end of March but I called and got it a week sooner so when I have it done on March 21st I will be 18 weeks and 3 days so Jake can be there this time to find out what his second little peanut will be since he has AT for military in 3 weeks. We can't wait to find out what we are having!!

Pregnancy dreams: I have been having super weird pregnancy dreams! I had a pregnancy night mare actually that I had a miscarriage and brought in my placenta and the baby into my midwife to confirm it was a miscarriage and the baby was a boy. When I woke up from the dream I just rubbed my belly so glad it was only a nightmare!

Movements: Felt very small movements this week, not very often but definitely the baby <3

This week I definitely popped! I am 110 this week so I've gained about 5 pounds this far.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

15 Weeks Pregnant- Baby #2

How far along: 15 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm weighing between 108-110 lbs. now so I've gained 4-6 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit in some of my regular clothes but certain pants are very uncomfortable to wear so I've just been wearing yoga pants and leggings and whatever shirt is comfortable!
Stretch marks: No new ones that I know of, not yet at least. My skin is starting to get really tight though on my belly and on my boobs.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good lately, and as long as I don't drink a lot before bed I can make it until morning without having to get up to pee.
Best moment of this week: Feeling tiny little baby flutters! It's not very often but I'm almost positive its baby moving!
Miss anything: Nope, I've been enjoying every moment of this pregnancy.
Movement: That was the best moment of this week. :)
Food cravings: Still no pregnancy cravings :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Very strong food smells make me a little queezy. 
Have you started to show yet: This week I think I definitely popped! Feeling pretty big. 
Gender: I'm almost positive that we are having another baby boy! I will be very surprised if we are having a girl. Just mothers instinct. We find out in 2 more weeks hopefully! 
Labor signs: I sure hope not!
Belly button in or out: It's still pretty flat this week with a tiny point.
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still. 
Happy or moody most of the time: This week I won't lie, I've been a little more moody/ emotional this week. Small things tend to get on my nerves.

Looking forward to: Stronger baby movements and finding out what were having!
Baby Buys: This week we bought our baby swing! It's very cute and a little more on the boy side but could also be considered gender neutral with its blue brown and tan colors.