Wednesday, March 19, 2014

17 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: Still at 110 so 4 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: Definitely wearing maternity clothes now, my pants won't button anymore which is why I wear sweats when I can and even my size small maternity shirt is feeling a bit tight. 
Stretch marks: No new ones that I notice but I can definitely see all the old ones that I got with Kaiden. A bunch of old blue squiggles on my belly now that my skin is pretty stretched out.
Sleep: sleep has been good lately, it does take me awhile to get comfortable but once I'm asleep I'm asleep for the rest of the night. I'm also getting bigger to the point where it can be difficult to turn over sometimes.
Best moment of this week: Feeling the baby kick for the first time on the outside! I was laying down with Kaiden at my parents and baby was all up on the right side and I felt the baby kick so I put my hand there and then felt the baby do one more strong kick! SO EXCITING! 
Miss anything: Running around with Kaiden as much as I used to and crawling all over the play ground with him. I'm not as able to do that anymore. :/
Movement: YES! I feel little wiggles all the time and feeling the baby kick on the outside for the first time!
Food cravings: Still no pregnancy cravings (although sweets taste pretty good!) :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Foods with a lot of spices like soups. 
Have you started to show yet: Of course! I'm getting big now(:
Gender: Still feel like we are having a boy! We find out next week which is so exciting! Everyone keeps saying we're having a girl so sometimes it sways my mind but I still think its a boy! This will be my last pregnancy update until we find out! So I want to say I will be happy no matter what we have! I will absolutely enjoy having another baby boy because Kaiden is my pride and joy, but having a girl will be a whole new experience and I would love to have a little blonde cutie running around! :) 
Labor signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Pointy belly button. :P
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still, still no swelling! YAY!. 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been a lot happier this week than last. Energy started to pick up towards the end of this week! I didn't realize how bad my energy was until it started to pick up and I can now get some stuff done around the house with out feeling like falling asleep.

Looking forward to: FINDING OUT WHAT WE ARE HAVING!!! 

BABY BUYS: This week we bought our diaper bag! Its not technically a diaper bag but its a cute big blue bag I got at marshals for $40 and it seems to be better quality than the actual "diaper bags" that they have at babies r us so I got it (: and it should be big enough for both kiddo's.

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