Monday, March 24, 2014

It's a BOY!! - Gender Reveal - Baby #2

We found out on March 21st 2014 that we are having our second precious baby boy! We went to the ultrasound at St. Lukes imaging center. I was on team boy since the beginning and Jake was completely team girl. They made me drink 32 oz. of water before my appointment which was so painful by the time we got into the room, luckily I didn't have to hold it the whole ultrasound! We had an awesome ultrasound tech who was so patient. She had us get all the important measurements before taking the cute ultrasound pictures and finding out the gender. It was a more detailed ultrasound machine so we got to see where the umbilical cord went into the belly button and you could actually see how the cord was twisted on the ultrasound which was really neat. She then checked the gender and it was clearly a boy! No doubt in anybody's mind! Baby had his hands up by his face the whole ultrasound, which he also had at our 12 week ultrasound as well. I'm pretty sure this baby isn't going to like being swaddled. He also had his legs up by his stomach curled up like a little frog.  As you can probably tell, we still don't have a name picked out :( I've been looking like crazy but haven't found anything that sounds like it would fit and that me and Jake both agree on. We do like the names Bentley, Eli and Makai but still not sure about any names yet. After the ultrasound we went to zurchers to get blue balloons and then went down town Boise in front of city hall by the fountain to take our gender reveal pictures. We had a lot of people saying congrats while taking them. We then went to fresh off the hook which is a really good sea food restaurant to celebrate finding out the gender! Anyways we are so excited to be having baby boy number 2 and can't wait to meet him! 

A link to the gender reveal video:

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