Monday, March 24, 2014

18 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 18 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain: 112-113 pounds. I've gained 7 pounds this far.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit into some of my loose fitting shirts but I definitely can't wear any of my jeans anymore. Hello maternity jeans and yoga pants! lol.
Stretch marks: My belly has been ITCHING like CRAZY!! I wouldn't be surprised if I got more stretch marks this pregnancy. None that are noticeable to me as new stretch marks yet, just a bunch that are showing through that are old and faded blue ones that I had got from Kaidens pregnancy. I have been rubbing coconut oil and stretch oil all over my belly when it gets itchy. 
Sleep: Same as last week :) sleep has been good lately, it does take me awhile to get comfortable but once I'm asleep I'm asleep for the rest of the night. I'm also getting bigger to the point where it can be difficult to turn over sometimes.
Best moment of this week: FINDING OUT THE GENDER OF COURSE! Go read my gender reveal blog and watch the video :)
Miss anything: I miss when my belly wasn't itchy! and I miss not being able to eat raw cookie dough lol.
Movement: I feel kicks all the time in the morning and at random times throughout the day and when I go to bed at night. If I'm lucky I'll feel in with my hand on the outside but movements aren't big enough to where I can see them yet.
Food cravings: Chocolate is amazing these days!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!. :)
Have you started to show yet: I sure have!
Gender: It's a BOY!! :D 
Labor signs: No labor signs.
Belly button in or out: belly button is flat! 
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still, still no swelling! YAY!. 
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been happy lately! and have had a lot more energy. I think some slight nesting has started now that we know what we're having! I found the bedding set that I want and what theme I want the nursery which is nautical theme.

Looking forward to: Having Jake feel baby kick, and seeing movement on the outside. baby seems super shy when I start to put my hand on my belly, he stops kicking :P

BABY BUYS: Now that we know what we're having we went and bought some really cute baby boy clothes :) makes me even more excited to be having another boy! I realized I saved like 2 newborn outfits from Kaiden so we have a lot of shopping to do! I don't think it would have mattered much though since this baby will be born in August and Kaiden was born in January so they were on different ends when it came to seasons.


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