Monday, March 17, 2014

16 Weeks Pregnant - Baby #2

Ah 16 weeks pregnant already! I can't believe in only a month I'll already be half way done with this pregnancy.

As far as symptoms go, my nausea has started to come back. It is very random and its nothing that I know of that triggers it but it will come and go in small 20 minute spurts. I did notice that sometimes when I lay on my left side I will start to feel a little sick until I turn over to my right side and it goes away.

Cravings: Still no crazy pregnancy cravings of things I HAVE to have although there are certain things that taste amazing over others such as ice cream! YUM. and Buffalo wild wings honey bbq and honey bourbon flavored wings with ranch.

Doctors Appointment: I had my 16 week midwife appointment this week. Everything looks good, and the babies heart beat is 160 BPM. She wanted me to have my next ultrasound at the end of March but I called and got it a week sooner so when I have it done on March 21st I will be 18 weeks and 3 days so Jake can be there this time to find out what his second little peanut will be since he has AT for military in 3 weeks. We can't wait to find out what we are having!!

Pregnancy dreams: I have been having super weird pregnancy dreams! I had a pregnancy night mare actually that I had a miscarriage and brought in my placenta and the baby into my midwife to confirm it was a miscarriage and the baby was a boy. When I woke up from the dream I just rubbed my belly so glad it was only a nightmare!

Movements: Felt very small movements this week, not very often but definitely the baby <3

This week I definitely popped! I am 110 this week so I've gained about 5 pounds this far.

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