Tuesday, March 4, 2014

15 Weeks Pregnant- Baby #2

How far along: 15 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm weighing between 108-110 lbs. now so I've gained 4-6 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit in some of my regular clothes but certain pants are very uncomfortable to wear so I've just been wearing yoga pants and leggings and whatever shirt is comfortable!
Stretch marks: No new ones that I know of, not yet at least. My skin is starting to get really tight though on my belly and on my boobs.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good lately, and as long as I don't drink a lot before bed I can make it until morning without having to get up to pee.
Best moment of this week: Feeling tiny little baby flutters! It's not very often but I'm almost positive its baby moving!
Miss anything: Nope, I've been enjoying every moment of this pregnancy.
Movement: That was the best moment of this week. :)
Food cravings: Still no pregnancy cravings :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Very strong food smells make me a little queezy. 
Have you started to show yet: This week I think I definitely popped! Feeling pretty big. 
Gender: I'm almost positive that we are having another baby boy! I will be very surprised if we are having a girl. Just mothers instinct. We find out in 2 more weeks hopefully! 
Labor signs: I sure hope not!
Belly button in or out: It's still pretty flat this week with a tiny point.
Wedding rings on or off: On and loose still. 
Happy or moody most of the time: This week I won't lie, I've been a little more moody/ emotional this week. Small things tend to get on my nerves.

Looking forward to: Stronger baby movements and finding out what were having!
Baby Buys: This week we bought our baby swing! It's very cute and a little more on the boy side but could also be considered gender neutral with its blue brown and tan colors.  

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