Tuesday, February 25, 2014

14 weeks pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: I am not 106.2 so about 2 pounds this far.
Maternity clothes: I went out and bought a bunch of maternity clothes. My clothes are starting to get a little tight and are honestly getting uncomfortable. I'm loving my new maternity clothes. They aren't only cute but SO much more comfortable!
Stretch marks: No new ones that I know of.
Sleep: No more getting up to pee! YAY! Sleep has actually been pretty good lately. I've been loving my pregnancy pillow more than ever the last week. And of course crazy pregnancy dreams. I had one that the midwife did an ultrasound and said it was a boy.
Best moment of this week: Buying maternity clothes!  and all the days of awesome weather we have had after such a cold winter and taking Kaiden to the park!
Miss anything: Nope, I've been enjoying every moment of this pregnancy.
Movement: Here and there I think I felt tiny movements, nothing to noticeable but pretty sure they were little kicks.
Food cravings: SURPRISINGLY, NONE! This week I haven't craved anything in-particular but I have my appetite back which is nice. Milk and cereal and fresh fruit are my go to snacks through out the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope all the sickness has been gone for a few weeks now! YAY for second trimester!
Have you started to show yet: Yes! Just that extra weight gain look but hey, I love my round pregnancy belly! Even if it does just look like I'm bloated. lol. 
Gender: I'm still sure were having another boy but Jake says girl still as well. (we both honestly have no idea!)
Labor signs: I sure hope not!
Belly button in or out: It's flat but has a tiny point which is so weird because I never had that with Kaiden, it looks like an organ sticking out, making it pooch out.
Wedding rings on or off: On, still loose because I don't want to get it tightened until after the baby is born just in case my hands do swell I'll still be able to wear it. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week! The weather has been amazing this week! I got Kaidens summer/ spring clothes shopping done as well as maternity clothes and have taken Kaiden to the park a few times which he loves! I have to take advantage while I can still chase him all over the playground although my back wish's I would decide otherwise! Oh well I have to make little man happy to.

Looking forward to: BABY MOVEMENT! Will definitely feel it with in the next few weeks! 

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