Tuesday, February 25, 2014

13 Weeks pregnancy - Baby #2

This week symptoms have came and gone with 2 day spurts. My first symptom was my nipples started itching like crazy! Idk why but it was uncomfortable. Thankfully I have some natural stretch oil which helps a ton with itchy nipples and my growing itchy belly. After a couple days of that I had a couple days of pretty bad back pain. I described it as me walking like a scare crow. My back was so stiff and uncomfortable, and about impossible for me to bend down and pick Kaiden up. That lasted a few days and one morning I woke up and it was gone! Thank God! My belly rash also went away this week. It wasn't anything serious but less itchyness is always a plus! I thought I had felt some baby movement, but now that I am writing this update a week late I'm pretty sure it was just some moving air bubbles and gas. I'm just so excited to start feeling the baby move that anything that may seem like movement is exciting! My belly this week is getting a lot tighter so baby is growing! :)

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