Monday, February 10, 2014

12 Weeks pregnant - baby #2

Whats new this week? Back pain has started! My lower right side of my back started hurting a few days ago and it hasn't gone away yet. Although, I can only feel it at certain times of the day. My snoogle helped me sleep amazing last night which was awesome! It's amazing for back and belly support! Another thing that is new is round ligament pain! This baby is getting big fast and my uterus is trying to adjust to the new/ growing size.  (Hopefully this means I'll be feeling little flutters soon :D )

This week the baby is the size of a: lime! Getting so big so fast. It's incredible the development that happens in just a month. Here's a side by side comparison of both our ultrasounds spaced exactly a month apart.

Any movement yet? I may have felt a few tiny flutters, but then again it could just be air bubbles and gas. When I start feeling it often then I will know I have felt baby move. I will sit it bed completely still for at least 20 minutes every night seeing if I can feel baby move. I know the baby is very active especially when I'm resting (most babies are), so I figure I would be able to feel the baby if they were going crazy and big enough to where I could feel them. I have a feeling I may feel babies movements in the next couple weeks. (13 or 14.) That is what I look forward to the most in this pregnancy. And when Jake can finally feel baby move as well.

Jake thinks he can hear the heart beat already through my stomach. He used to always be able to hear Kaidens which is really exciting! 

Cravings? Still no cravings this week! Jake took me out for some sushi on Friday which was really yummy! and a fun family date night. And YES the sushi was cooked, don't worry. Steamed eel and shrimp tempura. We went to Sakana's which is the place we had our very first date at. Sweets taste amazing right now, but I have always had a sweet tooth and its not something I've been craving, but I'm sure the cravings are to come lol. 

Belly size? I feel HUGE! I wasn't this big until I was about 17/18 weeks with Kaiden. I'm not sure if its baby or if I've just been very bloated these passed few weeks because on and off I won't be as big at certain parts of the day but other parts of the day I feel like I look 20 weeks already. I've actually gained 2 pounds this week totaling out to 106.4 lbs. 

How have I been feeling? I have been feeling pretty good this week! No sickness which is always a huge plus and nausea is all gone (knock on wood). My energy has been a little low the last few days but thats probably a mix of going stir crazy in the house with the crappy cold weather and being 12 weeks pregnant. But no big complaints this week :)

Doctor visit: As you know from the post before this one we had our first ultrasound screen done this week. They did the ultrasound and took blood for testing. Everything came back completely normal and this far we have nothing to worry about. Baby looks completely healthy and is at low risk for down syndrome and trisomy 13. :)

Join me next week for week 13!! Oh my gosh am I really already done with the first trimester?? Time to start planning our gender reveal party :D 

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