Today I had my 41 week doctors appointment! Holy PREGNANCY! At least thats what it feels like even though its completely normal to go up to 42 weeks. Even when some consistent contractions here and there nothing ever progresses passed that and for days now I've been saying "tonights the night!" and totally get my hopes up. At this point I almost feel like I'll be pregnant forever lol.
As far as the appointment goes she checked his heart beat which was 160. Then she checked my cervix for dilation or progression which was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced and now he was at -1 station. She was finally able to reach my cervix unlike last time she wasn't sure how dilated I was because my cervix was so high up and it was so painful. This time it was a little painful but mainly just uncomfortable. She also stripped my membranes to see if we can get labor started with in the next 48 hours.
After all of that I was scheduled for a non- stress test so they hooked me up to the bands on your tummy, one was for his heart rate and the other was for my contractions and they made sure his heart rate had enough fluctuation and wasn't dropping when I would have a contraction. Of course he decided to sleep during this so they didn't get the best reading of his heart rate during his movements but he did pass!
I also tried taking some castor oil last night. Luckily its odorless and tasteless but the texture of drinking oil was pretty nasty! I don't think I took enough though because it did literally nothing! Not even a single stomach cramp lol
We have one stubborn little guy! I really hope the membrane sweep sets me into labor.
I am now scheduled for another NST and Bio physical profile (ultrasound) to check the placenta and fluid, This Friday if I make it that far. I will be 41+4 on Friday. We will then set an induction d
Monday, August 25, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
40 weeks 3 days - Baby #2
I'm officially PASSED MY DUE DATE! Although I don't think your considered post term until you pass 42 weeks it sure feels like I should have had this baby already. Knowing my exact conception date I figured I would be a little closer to my due date than using the LMP method which is know to be 2 weeks off if a women has longer cycles.
I not only look huge and exhausted I feel HUGE and EXHAUSTED! Getting asked constantly if I've had the baby yet, the answer is no, and you will know when I have him because I will call you or text you if I have. A better question to ask would be "how are you feeling?" Each day passed my due date feels like a year. Especially when almost every day or night I feel like "this will be the night he comes!" only to wake up in the morning with no contractions. And when I keep having "signs" of labor but nothing ever progresses passed a braxton hicks contraction, it gets frustrating! Especially when I'm already 4 CM dilated and 60% effaced.
I hate to complain but since this is my blog I figured this is where I can let out some of my frustrations.
I keep reminding my self that he's obviously still in there for a reason and unless I get to 42 weeks I won't be getting induced. As anxious as I am and having labor signs and getting frustrated by each passing day, I know he obviously still needs some cooking and I don't want to take him out until he's done. I want a plump and healthy baby boy! Especially after spending a week in the NICU with Kaiden. Kaiden was born at 40 weeks and 4 days, I guess we'll see if he's even more stubborn than his big brother, but I hope not! Tomorrow would be a great day! It's Friday, and thats less time people have to take off work. Also my midwife is on call until Friday and I'm really hoping I get her as my doctor to deliver Remington.
I just went grocery shopping and stocked up on food today so that way we don't have to worry about that when Remington comes. All thats left to do is some laundry. I was so glad when I got out of walmart with out anyone asking me how many I'm having or commenting on my big belly.
Yesterday me and my mom went to the fair to look around and to try and "walk" this baby out. You can only imagine how frustrated I was when I woke up t he next morning still pregnant after walking for 3-4 hours the day before. Not to mention the three people that asked me at the fair, "how many are in there?" and "are you having twins?"
I've had my time to rest but now I just want our baby here!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
39 & 40 WEEK APPOINTMENTS! - Final Stretch
I'm now officially due! I honestly didn't think I would make it passed my due date with this pregnancy but now my due date has came and gone and we are counting the days until our little guy gets here. I guess my babies just get super comfy and hold on as long as possible.
At my 39 week doctor appointment I didn't get checked because I didn't feel like I needed to since my midwife doesn't normally check for dilation until 40 weeks like I mentioned in my last post. She checked his heart rate which was still a strong 160, just like Kaidens always was. She let me know when she was on call and that was about it.
During my 39 week of pregnancy it was just anxiousness wondering if he was going to be here that week or not, and my acid reflux really picked up. A few nights I had to get up in the middle of the night and take a couple tums which I haven't done at all this pregnancy. It was bad to the point of where I couldn't lay down or my throat would burn and it was impossible to sleep unless I was sitting up. I didn't have much for an appetite this week either. He's definitely filling up all the space that he has in there (have to pee all the time, acid reflux, and no appetite). My lungs are also still very squished which I thought would go away once he dropped (he's so low he practically sits in my lap when I'm sitting down), but I still have a hard time breathing. I had a ton of contractions on Friday night that continued on until Saturday morning (39+5days ) but then went away. It wasn't anything uncomfortable but they did stay pretty consistent at about 6 minutes apart and lasting for around 40 seconds each time.
On Monday (my due date based on the conception date) August 18th 2014, I had my 40 week doctors appointment. I did get checked and she said the outer occipital was 4 CM and I was 60% effaced still and that my cervix was very soft. Because it was so uncomfortable for me to be checked and his head kept floating up she couldn't get an exact measure of how dilated I was but she said it was between 2 and 4 centimeters. After she checked me a few hours later I did start to have some contractions that were a little crampy but that was because I had just been checked although I was hopeful it was early labor. My next appointment is set up for next Monday when I'll be 41 weeks exactly and they will do an NST and possible ultrasound to make sure everything still looks healthy for little man to stay in there. I don't think I will make it to this next appointment but you never know. I guess I thought since second babies usually come sooner he would be here by now lol.
I'm completely fine with him staying in there as long as he needs to so he comes out a healthy newborn. Me and Jake are so anxious to meet our second baby boy but we both know he will be here before we know it. Even Kaiden keeps telling Remington to "come out" to lol.
I'm really praying this labor goes better than it did with Kaiden and that I don't have any problems progressing, so I don't have to be put on pitocin. I hope to avoid any inductions and interventions if at all possible. I'm so curious to know if my water will break this time like Kaidens birth or if contractions will be our first sign of labor. Its all in God's hands now and he could come at any time :)
The end of this pregnancy hasn't been to bad, I feel like everyone else's anxiousness is the reason I'm getting so anxious now. I'm cherishing all the last hiccups and kicks of this pregnancy before its over, because I know a few months from now I will miss it.
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at my (hopefully) last pre-natal appointment! 40 weeks |
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
We had a midwife appointment this week! Nothing to much has happened since my 37 week. During our appointment the nurse asked if I wanted to get checked, I wasn't planning on getting checked for dilation but in the moment I just said sure! I totally forgot how painful it was since the last time I was checked with Kaiden!
She told me that I am 1 CM dilated and 60% effaced and baby Remington is at -2 station. So not to far along, but I was glad to hear it was something rather than 0cm and 0%. I don't really think it means much though especially only at 38 weeks. I have my 39 week midwife appointment tomorrow which I don't plan on getting checked at unless my midwife thinks I should. She normally doesn't check for dilation until the 40 week appointment or unless you ask. I know some people who stay at 4 cm for weeks. I rather not know then get "disappointed" and find out there hasn't been any change. Some women also go into labor at 0 CM as well. I also asked if she could guess by feeling my stomach how big he would be and she said 7 pounds and some ounces, and that I don't have a 9 pound baby in there unless he's really hiding. My mommy instincts are guessing that he's going to be 8 pounds 4 ounces though and 20" long.
I had quite a few contractions last night (38+6) and was really hoping they would turn into something but as soon as I fell asleep they disappeared and I haven't really had much for contractions today. I have a feeling my contractions will be my first sign of labor this time rather than my water breaking like it did with Kaiden. I hope contractions start first so I'm not on that time clock because once your water breaks there is a greater risk of infection and the longer the wait the more likely it is that someone would have to have a C-Section.
This passed weekend when I was 38+5 days, we went to the mall to walk around and also when on a walk when we got home around our neighborhood to see if we could get anything going with contractions but nope, I don't remember feeling a single one, even after our walk. I haven't been doing to much though to try and push labor because I don't think anything will put you into labor unless your body and the baby are actually ready.
Now that I am only 7 days from my due date its pretty much a waiting game of when and where I will be when labor starts. Any time this week would be awesome, although I wouldn't be surprised if Remington went passed his due date like his brother did. My belly is so low now though that he's literally sitting in my lap when I sit down. His movements are also decreasing because he's got no room in there!
I'm constantly cleaning up the house everyday for the just in case I go into labor. I am such a planner that its drives me crazy not knowing when he's coming that I won't have everything prepared. I want to make sure the house stays clean, the laundry stays done, the fridge stays stocked for Kaiden while were gone and so on.
I'm starting to have more stretch marks, swelling and I practically have no clothes that fit anymore (even my maternity clothes). Jake can't wait to be home with his family after Remington gets here and I've got to that stage in pregnancy where all anyone ever asks is, "have you had the baby yet?" and "whens that baby coming out?"
We are so ready to meet our baby boy!
She told me that I am 1 CM dilated and 60% effaced and baby Remington is at -2 station. So not to far along, but I was glad to hear it was something rather than 0cm and 0%. I don't really think it means much though especially only at 38 weeks. I have my 39 week midwife appointment tomorrow which I don't plan on getting checked at unless my midwife thinks I should. She normally doesn't check for dilation until the 40 week appointment or unless you ask. I know some people who stay at 4 cm for weeks. I rather not know then get "disappointed" and find out there hasn't been any change. Some women also go into labor at 0 CM as well. I also asked if she could guess by feeling my stomach how big he would be and she said 7 pounds and some ounces, and that I don't have a 9 pound baby in there unless he's really hiding. My mommy instincts are guessing that he's going to be 8 pounds 4 ounces though and 20" long.
I had quite a few contractions last night (38+6) and was really hoping they would turn into something but as soon as I fell asleep they disappeared and I haven't really had much for contractions today. I have a feeling my contractions will be my first sign of labor this time rather than my water breaking like it did with Kaiden. I hope contractions start first so I'm not on that time clock because once your water breaks there is a greater risk of infection and the longer the wait the more likely it is that someone would have to have a C-Section.
This passed weekend when I was 38+5 days, we went to the mall to walk around and also when on a walk when we got home around our neighborhood to see if we could get anything going with contractions but nope, I don't remember feeling a single one, even after our walk. I haven't been doing to much though to try and push labor because I don't think anything will put you into labor unless your body and the baby are actually ready.
Now that I am only 7 days from my due date its pretty much a waiting game of when and where I will be when labor starts. Any time this week would be awesome, although I wouldn't be surprised if Remington went passed his due date like his brother did. My belly is so low now though that he's literally sitting in my lap when I sit down. His movements are also decreasing because he's got no room in there!
I'm constantly cleaning up the house everyday for the just in case I go into labor. I am such a planner that its drives me crazy not knowing when he's coming that I won't have everything prepared. I want to make sure the house stays clean, the laundry stays done, the fridge stays stocked for Kaiden while were gone and so on.
I'm starting to have more stretch marks, swelling and I practically have no clothes that fit anymore (even my maternity clothes). Jake can't wait to be home with his family after Remington gets here and I've got to that stage in pregnancy where all anyone ever asks is, "have you had the baby yet?" and "whens that baby coming out?"
We are so ready to meet our baby boy!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Remingtons Hospital Bag!
This is everything that will be going into Remingtons hospital bag :) |
I know no one NEEDS them while at the hospital but everyone brings them JUST IN CASE, lol. Diapers and wipes. We got this cute portable wipes case at walmart. I'm also bringing a few size NB pampers diapers that a friend gave us and some of my size one honest company diapers.
CLOTHES! The best part! I'm bringing three outfits which will work perfect if its still hot out! Which I'm assuming it will be since it's still been in the 90's lately and my due date is 14 days away. The first will be Remingtons coming home outfit (see below), an extra cute elephant onesie, and of course his No. 1 little brother onesie so he can match Kaiden's No. 1 Big brother shirt when Kaiden comes to the hospital!
My favorite outfit of Remingtons is this one piece outfit with the octopus on the bottom! I love the colors and its so tiny!
We love the nautical theme!
A few swaddle blankets for Remington incase its cooler outside or if he actually ends up liking to be swaddled which we don't think he will because for every ultrasound he's had his hands up by his face, so I don't think he's going to like his arms pinned to his side.
Another thing I know the hospital provides you with is burp clothes, but as I remember with Kaiden you can never have to many burp clothes with a NB lol.
Baby socks! So little!! The ones with the cars are actually preemie size. We had a hard time finding actual NB socks that Might fit! Everything we found was size 0-6 months a big so we got some preemie ones hoping they will fit his little feet for a few weeks!
I got their diaper bag at Marshalls for $40. Its a Steve madden bag and I'm in love with it! I didn't like any of the diaper bags from babies R us that wanted $70 or more so I went with something else! All the ones I found at baby stores felt like they were going to fall apart in a few months.
The car seat is all ready to go! Cut all the tags off and adjusted the straps a little. We got the graco snug ride click connect.
The present that will be TO Kaiden FROM Remington when Kaiden meets his baby brother!
When we visited my cousin in Seattle her son Jackson had this same toy and Kaiden was obsessed with it so this will be Kaidens gift from Remington :)
And thats everything we have packed in our room ready to be rushed out the door when the day comes. lol. The carseat, nursing pillow, diaper bag, mine and Jakes duffle bag, and Kaidens gift! Now all we need is for labor to start (any day now..) haha. I feel so prepared now though, besides the last few things we have to pack before heading to the hospital (iPad, camera, chargers, ect.)
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