Monday, August 25, 2014

41 Week Doctors Appointment - Baby #2

Today I had my 41 week doctors appointment! Holy PREGNANCY! At least thats what it feels like even though its completely normal to go up to 42 weeks. Even when some consistent contractions here and there nothing ever progresses passed that and for days now I've been saying "tonights the night!" and totally get my hopes up. At this point I almost feel like I'll be pregnant forever lol.

As far as the appointment goes she checked his heart beat which was 160. Then she checked my cervix for dilation or progression which was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced and now he was at -1 station. She was finally able to reach my cervix unlike last time she wasn't sure how dilated I was because my cervix was so high up and it was so painful. This time it was a little painful but mainly just uncomfortable. She also stripped my membranes to see if we can get labor started with in the next 48 hours.

After all of that I was scheduled for a non- stress test so they hooked me up to the bands on your tummy, one was for his heart rate and the other was for my contractions and they made sure his heart rate had enough fluctuation and wasn't dropping when I would have a contraction. Of course he decided to sleep during this so they didn't get the best reading of his heart rate during his movements but he did pass!

I also tried taking some castor oil last night. Luckily its odorless and tasteless but the texture of drinking oil was pretty nasty! I don't think I took enough though because it did literally nothing! Not even a single stomach cramp lol

We have one stubborn little guy! I really hope the membrane sweep sets me into labor.

I am now scheduled for another NST and Bio physical profile (ultrasound) to check the placenta and fluid, This Friday if I make it that far. I will be 41+4 on Friday. We will then set an induction d

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