Tuesday, August 12, 2014


We had a midwife appointment this week! Nothing to much has happened since my 37 week. During our appointment the nurse asked if I wanted to get checked, I wasn't planning on getting checked for dilation but in the moment I just said sure! I totally forgot how painful it was since the last time I was checked with Kaiden!

She told me that I am 1 CM dilated and 60% effaced and baby Remington is at -2 station. So not to far along, but I was glad to hear it was something rather than 0cm and 0%. I don't really think it means much though especially only at 38 weeks. I have my 39 week midwife appointment tomorrow which I don't plan on getting checked at unless my midwife thinks I should. She normally doesn't check for dilation until the 40 week appointment or unless you ask. I know some people who stay at 4 cm for weeks. I rather not know then get "disappointed" and find out there hasn't been any change. Some women also go into labor at 0 CM as well.  I also asked if she could guess by feeling my stomach how big he would be and she said 7 pounds and some ounces, and that I don't have a 9 pound baby in there unless he's really hiding. My mommy instincts are guessing that he's going to be 8 pounds 4 ounces though and 20" long.

I had quite a few contractions last night (38+6) and was really hoping they would turn into something but as soon as I fell asleep they disappeared and I haven't really had much for contractions today. I have a feeling my contractions will be my first sign of labor this time rather than my water breaking like it did with Kaiden. I hope contractions start first so I'm not on that time clock because once your water breaks there is a greater risk of infection and the longer the wait the more likely it is that someone would have to have a C-Section.

This passed weekend when I was 38+5 days, we went to the mall to walk around and also when on a walk when we got home around our neighborhood to see if we could get anything going with contractions but nope, I don't remember feeling a single one, even after our walk. I haven't  been doing to much though to try and push labor because I don't think anything will put you into labor unless your body and the baby are actually ready.

Now that I am only 7 days from my due date its pretty much a waiting game of when and where I will be when labor starts. Any time this week would be awesome, although I wouldn't be surprised if Remington went passed his due date like his brother did. My belly is so low now though that he's literally sitting in my lap when I sit down. His movements are also decreasing because he's got no room in there!

I'm constantly cleaning up the house everyday for the just in case I go into labor. I am such a planner that its drives me crazy not knowing when he's coming that I won't have everything prepared. I want to make sure the house stays clean, the laundry stays done, the fridge stays stocked for Kaiden while were gone and so on.

I'm starting to have more stretch marks, swelling and I practically have no clothes that fit anymore (even my maternity clothes). Jake can't wait to be home with his family after Remington gets here and I've got to that stage in pregnancy where all anyone ever asks is, "have you had the baby yet?" and "whens that baby coming out?"
We are so ready to meet our baby boy!

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