Tuesday, August 19, 2014

39 & 40 WEEK APPOINTMENTS! - Final Stretch

I'm now officially due! I honestly didn't think I would make it passed my due date with this pregnancy but now my due date has came and gone and we are counting the days until our little guy gets here. I guess my babies just get super comfy and hold on as long as possible.

At my 39 week doctor appointment I didn't get checked because I didn't feel like I needed to since my midwife doesn't normally check for dilation until 40 weeks like I mentioned in my last post. She checked his heart rate which was still a strong 160, just like Kaidens always was. She let me know when she was on call and that was about it. 

During my 39 week of pregnancy it was just anxiousness wondering if he was going to be here that week or not, and my acid reflux really picked up. A few nights I had to get up in the middle of the night and take a couple tums which I haven't done at all this pregnancy. It was bad to the point of where I couldn't lay down or my throat would burn and it was impossible to sleep unless I was sitting up. I didn't have much for an appetite this week either. He's definitely filling up all the space that he has in there (have to pee all the time, acid reflux, and no appetite). My lungs are also still very squished which I thought would go away once he dropped (he's so low he practically sits in my lap when I'm sitting down), but I still have a hard time breathing. I had a ton of contractions on Friday night that continued on until Saturday morning (39+5days ) but then went away. It wasn't anything uncomfortable but they did stay pretty consistent at about 6 minutes apart and lasting for around 40 seconds each time. 

On Monday (my due date based on the conception date) August 18th 2014, I had my 40 week doctors appointment. I did get checked and she said the outer occipital was 4 CM and I was 60% effaced still and that my cervix was very soft. Because it was so uncomfortable for me to be checked and his head kept floating up she couldn't get an exact measure of how dilated I was but she said it was between 2 and 4 centimeters. After she checked me a few hours later I did start to have some contractions that were a little crampy but that was because I had just been checked although I was hopeful it was early labor. My next appointment is set up for next Monday when I'll be 41 weeks exactly and they will do an NST and possible ultrasound to make sure everything still looks healthy for little man to stay in there. I don't think I will make it to this next appointment but you never know. I guess I thought since second babies usually come sooner he would be here by now lol. 
I'm completely fine with him staying in there as long as he needs to so he comes out a healthy newborn. Me and Jake are so anxious to meet our second baby boy but we both know he will be here before we know it. Even Kaiden keeps telling Remington to "come out" to lol. 

I'm really praying this labor goes better than it did with Kaiden and that I don't have any problems progressing, so I don't have to be put on pitocin. I hope to avoid any inductions and interventions if at all possible. I'm so curious to know if my water will break this time like Kaidens birth or if contractions will be our first sign of labor. Its all in God's hands now and he could come at any time :) 

The end of this pregnancy hasn't been to bad, I feel like everyone else's anxiousness is the reason I'm getting so anxious now. I'm cherishing all the last hiccups and kicks of this pregnancy before its over, because I know a few months from now I will miss it. 

at my (hopefully) last pre-natal appointment! 40 weeks

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