Tuesday, February 25, 2014

14 weeks pregnant - Baby #2

How far along: 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: I am not 106.2 so about 2 pounds this far.
Maternity clothes: I went out and bought a bunch of maternity clothes. My clothes are starting to get a little tight and are honestly getting uncomfortable. I'm loving my new maternity clothes. They aren't only cute but SO much more comfortable!
Stretch marks: No new ones that I know of.
Sleep: No more getting up to pee! YAY! Sleep has actually been pretty good lately. I've been loving my pregnancy pillow more than ever the last week. And of course crazy pregnancy dreams. I had one that the midwife did an ultrasound and said it was a boy.
Best moment of this week: Buying maternity clothes!  and all the days of awesome weather we have had after such a cold winter and taking Kaiden to the park!
Miss anything: Nope, I've been enjoying every moment of this pregnancy.
Movement: Here and there I think I felt tiny movements, nothing to noticeable but pretty sure they were little kicks.
Food cravings: SURPRISINGLY, NONE! This week I haven't craved anything in-particular but I have my appetite back which is nice. Milk and cereal and fresh fruit are my go to snacks through out the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope all the sickness has been gone for a few weeks now! YAY for second trimester!
Have you started to show yet: Yes! Just that extra weight gain look but hey, I love my round pregnancy belly! Even if it does just look like I'm bloated. lol. 
Gender: I'm still sure were having another boy but Jake says girl still as well. (we both honestly have no idea!)
Labor signs: I sure hope not!
Belly button in or out: It's flat but has a tiny point which is so weird because I never had that with Kaiden, it looks like an organ sticking out, making it pooch out.
Wedding rings on or off: On, still loose because I don't want to get it tightened until after the baby is born just in case my hands do swell I'll still be able to wear it. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week! The weather has been amazing this week! I got Kaidens summer/ spring clothes shopping done as well as maternity clothes and have taken Kaiden to the park a few times which he loves! I have to take advantage while I can still chase him all over the playground although my back wish's I would decide otherwise! Oh well I have to make little man happy to.

Looking forward to: BABY MOVEMENT! Will definitely feel it with in the next few weeks! 

13 Weeks pregnancy - Baby #2

This week symptoms have came and gone with 2 day spurts. My first symptom was my nipples started itching like crazy! Idk why but it was uncomfortable. Thankfully I have some natural stretch oil which helps a ton with itchy nipples and my growing itchy belly. After a couple days of that I had a couple days of pretty bad back pain. I described it as me walking like a scare crow. My back was so stiff and uncomfortable, and about impossible for me to bend down and pick Kaiden up. That lasted a few days and one morning I woke up and it was gone! Thank God! My belly rash also went away this week. It wasn't anything serious but less itchyness is always a plus! I thought I had felt some baby movement, but now that I am writing this update a week late I'm pretty sure it was just some moving air bubbles and gas. I'm just so excited to start feeling the baby move that anything that may seem like movement is exciting! My belly this week is getting a lot tighter so baby is growing! :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

12 Weeks pregnant - baby #2

Whats new this week? Back pain has started! My lower right side of my back started hurting a few days ago and it hasn't gone away yet. Although, I can only feel it at certain times of the day. My snoogle helped me sleep amazing last night which was awesome! It's amazing for back and belly support! Another thing that is new is round ligament pain! This baby is getting big fast and my uterus is trying to adjust to the new/ growing size.  (Hopefully this means I'll be feeling little flutters soon :D )

This week the baby is the size of a: lime! Getting so big so fast. It's incredible the development that happens in just a month. Here's a side by side comparison of both our ultrasounds spaced exactly a month apart.

Any movement yet? I may have felt a few tiny flutters, but then again it could just be air bubbles and gas. When I start feeling it often then I will know I have felt baby move. I will sit it bed completely still for at least 20 minutes every night seeing if I can feel baby move. I know the baby is very active especially when I'm resting (most babies are), so I figure I would be able to feel the baby if they were going crazy and big enough to where I could feel them. I have a feeling I may feel babies movements in the next couple weeks. (13 or 14.) That is what I look forward to the most in this pregnancy. And when Jake can finally feel baby move as well.

Jake thinks he can hear the heart beat already through my stomach. He used to always be able to hear Kaidens which is really exciting! 

Cravings? Still no cravings this week! Jake took me out for some sushi on Friday which was really yummy! and a fun family date night. And YES the sushi was cooked, don't worry. Steamed eel and shrimp tempura. We went to Sakana's which is the place we had our very first date at. Sweets taste amazing right now, but I have always had a sweet tooth and its not something I've been craving, but I'm sure the cravings are to come lol. 

Belly size? I feel HUGE! I wasn't this big until I was about 17/18 weeks with Kaiden. I'm not sure if its baby or if I've just been very bloated these passed few weeks because on and off I won't be as big at certain parts of the day but other parts of the day I feel like I look 20 weeks already. I've actually gained 2 pounds this week totaling out to 106.4 lbs. 

How have I been feeling? I have been feeling pretty good this week! No sickness which is always a huge plus and nausea is all gone (knock on wood). My energy has been a little low the last few days but thats probably a mix of going stir crazy in the house with the crappy cold weather and being 12 weeks pregnant. But no big complaints this week :)

Doctor visit: As you know from the post before this one we had our first ultrasound screen done this week. They did the ultrasound and took blood for testing. Everything came back completely normal and this far we have nothing to worry about. Baby looks completely healthy and is at low risk for down syndrome and trisomy 13. :)

Join me next week for week 13!! Oh my gosh am I really already done with the first trimester?? Time to start planning our gender reveal party :D 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

12 week appointment and ultrasound!

Today we had our first ultrasound screen for baby #2. It was a fairly quick ultrasound but we were so excited to see how much baby has grown :) Jake and my mom went with me to this one. I wish we were allowed to video tape even though we technically weren't supposed to Jake could have got away with it, the techs back was turned most of the time. This little one was just as crazy as Kaiden was when Kaiden was in my belly, turning in circles, jumping around, moving its arms all over, baby even crossed his/her legs at one point which was pretty cute! The ultrasound tech made a guess on what we are having I just can't say yet! We are waiting until the next ultrasound and having a gender reveal party to tell all our friends and family! They were supposed to tell us if the measurements looked good today but the ultrasound tech didn't say anything about it, good or bad. She kind of seemed like she was in a hurry at the end because I wanted to get one more profile picture, but she handed me what she took, and left. Now that kind of leaves me worried. They took my blood as the other part of the test checking for down syndrome and other potential abnormalities and said they would call me back with in 3-5 days so I guess we will just find out then. She said my chances of having a baby with down syndrome was less than 1 in 1627. She only gave me 2 decent ultrasound pictures, one is really cute because you can see all of babies fingers and it looks like he/she was waving at us. Babies heart beat was 160 bpm at both appointments. Our midwife is really sweet and we really like her as our doctor. She said its not a huge worry if I lay on my back as I had asked her about it and that she recommends the red raspberry leaf tea starting in my second trimester.

Now for the fun part, The ultrasound pictures :)

Profile picture :)


Right leg.

Babies head and neck

Babies heart beat 160 BPM 

Baby twiddling their thumbs hehe.