Thursday, July 31, 2014


-First of all, I PASSED MY GROUP B STREP TEST! I could not be more happy about this! Honestly the one test out of this whole pregnancy that I was nervous about! lol. Some people were wondering why I was so stressed about it! Well theres a reason! And not saying we are in the clear by any means because I was also group b strep negative with Kaiden as well. But after I had Kaiden and he had to go to the NICU for a week for a "possible" infection and be put on antibiotics for a week, he ended up having a million allergies. and it just so happens that a few friends of mines kids who also had the antibiotics right after birth also have a lot of allergies including dairy! So I want to avoid antibiotics at all costs if I can! And this one extra hurdle I don't have to deal with now, at least while I'm in labor, since it does get passed down to the baby, and wipes out all the good antibodies in their gut that help keep them healthy at birth.

-ANYWAYS, enough ranting about that! I passed and thats what matters!

-I had my 37 week midwife appointment this week, and besides my test nothing to exciting happened. His heart rate was 160 BPM just like his big brothers was all the time. She said he's still head down and I'm measuring at exactly 37 weeks. She didn't check for dilation or even ask, which I am completely fine with! I definitely feel like I'll be pregnant at least 1-2 more weeks so their wasn't really point in checking anyways. I see my midwife every week now anyways! And I'm in the clear! Baby made it to 37 weeks which means no NICU unless something is a concern after he's born (at 36 weeks they go to the NICU even if they seem healthy just so they can watch baby more closely since it's still considered "late pre term") and my midwife is back from her vacation! Which doesn't mean 100% that she will be the one to deliver me since there is one other midwife working under her in the office, but better chances than when she was gone haha.

-We've been doing the very final touches to get ready for when the day comes. As of now all the hospital bags are packed in our room ready to go! Remingtons diaper bag with everything he will need, our duffle bag with all the stuff me and Jake should need while rooming in at the hospital, the car seat, and the gift from Remington to Kaiden when Kaiden meets Remy at the hospital! I will try and do a separate blog post on that if I get time between now and when he arrives lol.
- We also got the co-sleeper all set up and ready to go with his sleep sheep and all (thank you Jacqui!!) I'm sure Remington will like the white noise as much as Kaiden did :)

-Other than that I've just been making sure the house is as clean as I can keep it with a 2 year old lol. Because at any moment when I go into labor I want the house to be clean so I don't have to worry about it when we come home from the hospital. Although that would be good to do is clean while I'm in my prelude (beginning of labor)

-I've been relaxing and sleeping in as much as possible because there probably won't be to much of that once Remington gets here between taking care of a newborn and a two and half year old.

-I had an awesome day at roaring springs today with my friend Britni and her daughter Kambri! Kaiden loved it, especially the never ending river! and afterwords I had a ton of contractions that were actually consistent for a little while but then faded away. I want to get Kaiden out of the house as much as possible before Remington is here as well. I'm also hoping after he turns 3 to get Kaiden into a preschool a few days a week so he can be  around kids his age and learning more than just what he learns at home. He picks things up so fast these days and I know he would love it! He's definitely starting to become a lot more social which I LOVE! He's so independent and never wants to be clung to me or Jake. He can be shy at first but once he gets used to his surroundings he's a little fire cracker!

-Not much for symptoms this week. I mentioned last week I'm pretty sure he has dropped because I still have to pee constantly and not being able to breathe will stay until I'm not pregnant any more. One plus also of his being lower is my acid reflux has let up BIG time! I don't have to sit up in bed anymore to try and sleep! YAY! Other than that no other symptoms that I can think of!

I will update for week 38 if I'm still pregnant (Which I will be!) lol.

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