Friday, July 25, 2014


Holy COW! Only one more week (or 3 days from now) I'll be considered full term! I had my 36 week midwife appointment on Tuesday with the assisting midwife, since mine is on vacation until July 29th. I told her I was measuring ahead, (when what I meant was I was measuring 2 weeks ahead of my last pregnancy) And she measured my belly and said I'm measuring at exactly 36 weeks! My question is then why do I look like I'm carrying twins when theres only one baby in there? lol. All that matters is that baby is healthy. his heart beat was 147 BPM. I've gained a little over 30 pounds this far which I think is pretty average for the end of pregnancy. and if you measure around my belly I'm about 42". But I'm pretty sure if I don't lay off the sweets I'll be gaining 40 pounds by the time Remington is born. (BAD CRAVINGS!)

She also mentioned that if he was born during week 36 he would have to spend a minimum of 8 hours in the NICU because that's still considered late pre-term baby and would want to keep an eye on him. No thank you! We already had to handle Kaiden in the NICU for a week, I would like to avoid that part of the hospital as much as possible! 
We also had our group B strep test at this appointment and I will find out the results at my next appointment! Fingers crossed that its negative, not only for Remintons sake but for mine as well so I'm not having to fight off nurses trying to give me antibiotics. 

I definitely think Remington has dropped a little bit though, since this passed week I've been having to pee ALL the time. And other than the last few days of my pregnancy I've been able to hold my bladder quite well. lol. 
Another symptom that is getting worse is my acid reflux. I had to take a couple tums last night to help, and I try to avoid medicine as much as I can so it doesn't get passed down to baby Remy.

We had our LAST birth class on Monday (7 weeks of birth classes that flew by in the blink of an eye!) which I'm super sad about but excited at the same time. I just hope I remember everything we learned in class when the big day comes! Labor positions, breathing techniques, and more. 
We are slowly inching towards our due date and we cannot wait to meet our baby boy and bring him home. More and more Kaiden has been talking about baby Remy and on a daily basis has to give my belly a hug and kisses. He's going to be such an amazing big brother! 

And although technically I'm still a little over 3 weeks from my due date, I feel like I'm never going to "expect him" Just because I went passed 41 weeks with Kaiden and every day I thought he would come he never did. I feel like when I go into labor with Remington I will probably be surprised (unless I go passed my due date) Which I doubt I will, but never say never lol.

Other than that we have everything ready for Remington and he has everything that he could possibly need. Me and Jake love staying up at night talking to him and watching his movements. It's so amazing how once he's born he will already know our voices and be comforted by them. 
I've been waiting to set up the co-sleeper but am probably going to do that soon because I'm so excited for him to get here. Everything we do is just a reminder of how soon we will be meeting the fourth member of our family.

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