Friday, July 18, 2014

32-35 Week Pregnancy Update!

I know! I'm guilty! I haven't updated in almost a month! I'm already 35 weeks going on 36! First I wanted to share some pictures my wonderful mama took. (I was 31 weeks in these.) This was our mini maternity shoot! I love these pictures! We didn't want to pay to have maternity pictures done since we are already getting birth photos and newborn photos done and I figured I could have my mom do them and they turned out so cute! These were taken outside of a nice subdivision in Middleton. 

We had our last doctor appointment at 34 weeks with our midwife, we turned in our birth plan as well and she is on board for our natural hospital birth! Cross your fingers! But we also found out she will be gone July 21-29th so Remy, that means you can't come in that time lol. We have our last 2 week appointment next week at  36 weeks (then they switch to every week!) and have the other midwife that works under ours and we also have our Group B test as well (BLEH!) I was going to pass on doing the test but she said if we did decline the test that we would have to stay in the hospital 2 days no matter what to keep an eye on signs of an infection in Remy. (we want to go home after 24 hours to get home to Kaiden) So we decided we will do the test. Although we will be declining antibiotics unless I show risk factors in labor of having an infection (fever, prolonged ruptures membranes, ect..) We found out that less than 1% of babies actually get passed group B and the antibiotics are not good unless needed, (risk of allergies and asthma for baby) So I'm not really looking forward to that test. I passed with Kaiden so I'm hoping I do this time around as well! So I don't have to fight with any nurses about antibiotics. As far as my belly goes, I'm now 42" around and have gained about 33 pounds, and he is big! I don't think I'll make it to 40 weeks, my guess is 39 weeks and possibly even 38 weeks. I don't notice much for braxton hicks during the day but the second I lay down at night there one after the next. Not sure if they are doing anything but Remington will come when he's good and ready. I feel so blessed to have such easy and healthy pregnancies. It definitely keeps my mind at ease.

My appetite has definitely decreased. I'm sure its because everything is so squished it probably leaves little room for food lol.
Getting up and down is also quite the chore these days, playing with Kaiden, doing dishes, doing laundry, is all very taxing on my body and especially my back! That is one thing I'm looking forward to after Remy is born is being about to move around, but I know I'll miss his little kicks when he's born.
I'm pretty sure he's going to be the calm child of the two. Kaidens pretty much a wild child (as he was in my tummy) But Remington seems like such a calm baby. I feel big rolls of movement often but not the crazy constant kicks I used to feel with Kaiden.

I finally packed Remingtons hospital bag and started to pack my hospital bag the other night. I still have some things I will have to throw in last minute like our cameras and iPad and some bathroom items but other than that, we are ready for when he is ready to come meet his little family :)

Also, my baby shower is tomorrow but I will make a separate post about that :)

And we have our LAST birth class on Monday! Seriously?! Did we just go through 7 weeks of birth classes in the blink of an eye? I'm sad there over, but anxious as well because it means he's going to be here any day :)

I will try to keep up on these updates more! Especially since Remy could be here in a month! I'm so blessed to be a mommy of two boys! I can't wait to start this journey as a family of four!

My favorite picture ever of Kaiden and my belly :)

At the 3rd God and Country Rally Kaiden has been to. Love his sweet smile :)

32 Weeks 4 days

34 weeks

35 weeks!

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