Thursday, June 19, 2014



I swear that is all I talk/ think about these days is baby talk. Let me explain. Ever since I decided I WILL have a natural birth I have been doing everything in my will / power to prepare for it! Seeing as I went into my first birth completely blind sided and getting wrapped up into the common hospital ball of intervention after intervention (almost ending in a C-section) I knew I was going to make some changes, BIG changes! Starting off with the most talked about and loved birth classes in our area the confident birthing classes. We have only had 2 classes out of the 7 but I just can't get enough information. I am completely fascinated at how much I didn't know! You would think someone who has gone through birth before would know this stuff from the simple facts like how a baby is pushed out and how amazing our bodies / uterus's really are to how much our minds and bodies are connected in one of the most amazing moments of our lives, giving birth and how our brains are correlated to what we're told (that labor is unbearable pain and to get the Epidural) compared to what is actually going on (our minds and bodies were made to give birth and that we need to trust our bodies). We are taught that birth WILL be painful and it WILL hurt. The truth is that we can help control the pain with our minds. Not every womens birth is painful and that's a fact. Sometimes women even have orgasmic or euphoric births. Not saying this is the norm, or that it happens often but it does indeed happen to some women. (as Ina May says in her Guide to child birth book, Why are some women's births excruciatingly painful and some women feel no pain at all?) On top of taking birth classes I have started reading a couple books as well, the first is Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. One of the worlds most know midwives. Birth isn't something that should be feared, but in the US it most often is. I have a completely different mind set than I did before starting any research. I went into this pregnancy completely fearing birth because of my first experience. But its amazing how fast my mind changed to "I can do this, theres no other options and I WILL do this" I proved the nurses/ doctors wrong. They wanted to rush me into a C-section with Kaiden but I pushed him out, all on my own, so I know what my body is capable of. As my birth teacher would put it "I have a competent uterus that knows what to do" lol. The book I will be reading after that is called "Natural Hospital Birth", These are the kind of books I don't want to put down. I love that I have them on my iPad on the ibooks app so I can sit up and read them after Jake goes to bed. :)

Other than preparing for Remingtons birth mentally as I can I have also been trying to get everything done thats supposed to be done with in the next 2 months or less. I know it may seem like a long time but to me that feels like weeks because this pregnancy has gone by so fast. I much rather be over prepared than under! I'm already even thinking about what I should be putting into the hospital bag as well!

We FINALLY decided on what we are going to do for diapers for the first 4-5 months until Remington fits into his prefolds and diaper covers (cloth diapers). I was trying to decide if we wanted to go with the honest company diapers which are a little spendy $80 a month for their subscription that send you all the wipes and diapers you need every month, they are eco friendly and plant based an I've heard a lot of good things about them but the price made me look at other options. I looked more into the G-diapers which are kind of a cloth/ disposable system but still definitely eco friendly but cheaper at the same time. I really want to focus on baby and not have to worry about laundry right when he's born so thats why we decided to wait until he's a little older to switch to cloth. G-diapers have a cloth outside with a snap in liner that you place a disposable insert into, so whenever you change the diaper you just take out the insert and flush it or throw it away, and put in a new one. So sort of the best of both worlds in my opinion. I hope we like them!

I ordered the invites for the baby shower that should be coming in on Monday so I can get those sent out and I've ordered pretty much everything we need for that day. All we have to do is get the food for the BBQ which we will do when the day of the baby shower gets closer.

We have set up a meeting with our birth / newborn photographer to discuss what we want for our birth photos and talk about what we plan on doing for our birth! I'm so excited to have birth photos this time since I didn't do that with Kaiden, I know I will treasure those pictures because you only have a baby a few times in your life.

We still need to get our stuff for the placenta encapsulation which Jake will be doing at our house as soon as we get home from the hospital! I have such an amazing hubby who is willing to do that for me! Saves us a ton of money!

And last but definitely not least is meal prepping! Not only for me for after Remington is born but for Kaiden when he goes off to my Aunts house while we are in labor and until we bring Remington home. Planning and freezing his meals, because although we hope we can go home 24 hours after Remington is born you can never predict the future.

Other than that, I have prepped the prefolds by boiling and washing them, boiled any bottles/ breast pump parts, I have everything folded and put away (even though I still need to wash all his clothes which I'll be doing after the baby shower) I even got his car seat ready to go (out of the box lol) this week. His crib and co sleeper are all ready for him as well as his changing table. I would say we are pretty much set to meet little man #2 (besides everything I mentioned above that I have to do!) Oh and I still need to deep clean the house but lets hope my nesting kicks in soon because all my body has been wanting to do lately is sleep and eat!

I did do some prenatal yoga this morning which seemed to help with my tiredness, and it also helps get baby into position for birth! :D

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