Sunday, June 15, 2014

30 Week Pregnancy Update - Baby #2

 To be honest I can't even believe I'm writing my 30 week pregnancy update already!! I mean, wasn't last month January?! It's becoming more real everyday that baby boy Remy is going to be here before we can blink! I know I haven't updated in awhile but I guess I don't feel the need to when not much has changed pregnancy wise (besides me getting bigger of course!) It is time for a much needed update though on the last week of life.

So when I was 28 weeks I had my glucose test. Because I didn't want to drink the nasty glucose drink with red dye and preservatives in it I called and asked about an alternative option (sorry if I'm repeating anything from my passed blogs, pregnancy brain has been at its worst lately!) anyways, so before my test I had a meal that accumulated to the amount of sugar in the drink they give you with a bowl of cereal, an egg, orange juice and I think something else. I guess now they let you drink the glucose drink before your appointment so you don't have to sit there for an hour, so I ate my meal right before I went in. Then my midwife checked what she needed to, blood pressure, urine, babys heart rate which was 157 and his position (head down, but that can still change).
 She then gave us a birth plan full of all our options to fill out. She does this with all of her patients so they know that they have options and something that she can give all the nurses and doctors for when you are in labor so things can go as closely to how you want them to, even in emergency situations. She also talked about things to look for such as pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor and then answered any and all the questions we had.
We discussed a lot of how bad my last labor went and why and how things should have been handled differently. This was definitely the appointment where I knew in my head that I love my midwife and we went with the right decision as her being my doctor and the person to deliver our baby. (even though I plan to be the one to catch our little guy when he comes out). I'm so excited that it will either be my midwife or one other midwife that works with her to deliver baby Remington. Not 9 possible different doctors that I've never met before! (like my first birth!)

 We will meet with the other midwife at my next appointment so we can get to meet her before labor comes. I'm hoping and praying this experience is so much different than my first! I don't know how it could be anywhere as long (39 hours) and as hard as my first. We have definitely planned for the best possible outcome this time and know all our options! and a huge difference this time, I won't be afraid to stick up for the decisions that I have want/ made. Going into your labor well informed is one of the best decisions you can do for not only your baby but you as well. Here's just a few decisions we have made as part of our birth plan (some are subject to change depending on if things take a turn):

- Dim lights/ low noise
- Intermittent monitoring for baby's heart rate. (not constant so I can move around where I want)
-No internal exams unless labor isn't progressing (avoids infection)
-I can choose to eat and drink as needed to keep my energy up
-No IV
-No breaking my water, it will happen when its suppose to
-Medication free birth
- I plan on using the bath and other methods learned in birth classes to cope
-I am free to move as I want and be in any position comfortable
-NO students allowed in the room this time
- I will not be induced unless medically necessary
- Delayed cord clamping
-Placenta encapsulation
-No vaccinations
- Baby will room in with us the whole time
-Strictly no formula!

This is a little bit of the outline on some decisions me and Jake have made so far. I think at the next appointment we will be getting our registration papers in as well as taking a hospital tour! Pretty much everything is set for baby this far, we just have a few things we need to get but are waiting until after our baby shower to buy anything else. I will make a separate post about that because I've been having a lot of fun planning the baby shower :)

Also an update on my glucose test I passed that with flying colors but my iron is still low :( (they told me that in the beginning as well) so now they have me on an iron supplement and although I'm getting towards the end and its normal to be tired, my random spouts of weakness in my limbs has gone away which is awesome!

Remington is getting so big and it's amazing feeling his movements all through out the day. I remember in the beginning when I couldn't wait to feel him move. He now gets the hiccups 1-2 times a day which I think is so cute! It's starting to get so hard to find clothes that fit as well. I stick to the same 7/8 shirts and even my maternity shirts are getting tight, but I hate to go buy new ones when I'll only fit in them a few more months. And I must say I definitely prefer being at the end of my pregnancy in the summer rather than when I was pregnant with Kaiden in the winter and it was so much harder to find clothes/ coats to cover up my big belly! I've been feeling amazing this pregnancy and I'm pretty sure my diet and staying active has made all the difference. I honestly don't have a single complaint! I don't know how I got so lucky with such amazing pregnancies! I truly am very blessed! Anyways I think that's all for now! Almost 1:30 AM!

Belly Shot

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