Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Overwhelming Excitement!

When you become pregnant for the very first time its so obvious from the beginning how completely in love you are with that child from the first pregnancy test to the heart beat and the overwhelming emotion that comes over you the first time you see your baby wiggling around on the ultrasound no matter how small or big they are. Its a journey of all new experiences, but when that baby is born its becomes so natural and you know just what to do as if there was no question that you were meant to be that babies mom. There is truly no greater feeling in the world. I think that it can be scary at first bringing another baby, a second child, into the picture. For so long its just the three of you, everywhere you go. And now a whole new person is going to be in the picture! How will they fit in? How will you possibly love someone just as much as you loved your first. But the answer is, you don't make room for them by loving others less, your heart simply grows. This past week I feel like I've bonded with Remington more than I have in this whole time of being pregnant. Feeling how strong his kicks are getting, knowing that I am carrying and nourishing the most precious being, that there is a baby in there, feet, arms, legs, head, and even though it may be hard to picture, but I am growing with my body my second baby boy. Talking to him, singing to him, knowing he can feel when I touch my belly and feel his head or his legs is amazing. Not only have I bonded with Remington but at the same time I have created such a strong bond with Kaiden at the same time. I feel like all I want to do is snuggle and cuddle with Kaiden, give him kisses and just enjoy his presence while its still just the two of us during the day. I feel like things are getting so close that these last 3 1/2 months of pregnancy are going to fly by. I found out when I was 3 weeks pregnant and now I'm already 25 weeks?! When did that happen? We are in the process of getting everything our little peanut will need when he makes his grand entrance into our lives and into our home. Carseat; Check. Swing; Check. Baby carrier; check. Baby clothes; Check.  Breast pump; check. Co-Sleeper; Check. Signed up for birth classes; Check. Baby moon planned; Check. I would say that we are just about ready for this little guy. I've been dreaming about what he will look like. Will he look like his big brother? Will he look like me? or Will he look more like his daddy? You never stop wondering what they are going to look like which is the huge excitement because you never know. Will he be an active baby when he's born, or will he be calm? What will his personality flourish into? And one thing I can't wait for is Kaiden becoming a big brother! He already talks about Remington all the time. He knows which clothes are Remingtons, he knows that Remington will one day sleep in the crib thats all set up for him. And he knows Remington is a little baby in mommies tummy. I think Kaiden will make an amazing big brother! He is the sweetest little boy I have ever met and has the biggest heart for only being 2. I am so excited to go on our little baby moon as its called these days, not only for us to have a vacation before our lives get a little hectic but for us to enjoy being a family of three for the last couple months. It will be all about Kaiden and showing him how special he is and how much we love him. Kaiden is so caring but its still a small worry in the back of my mind, I never want him to feel like he is less important or isn't getting cared for as much as he needs. I think his personality has grown in the last few months than it ever has. He talks all the time and I can actually have conversations with him now. I've been telling everyone that I think so far this is definitely my favorite age. He is so much fun to play with and you never know what he's going to say next. He loves everyone. Whenever we have guests over he always wants everyone to sit next to each other and be in one room, no matter what we are doing. He LOVES when we sit down around with his toys and all the attention is on him. When he comes out of his shell he is all about making other people laugh. He loves to dance, jump off the couch and make funny faces just to entertain everyone else. I can't help but think he's going to LOVE making his baby brother laugh one day. With how much Kaiden loves to play with our dog Gracie, I can only imagine how much fun he is going to have when Remington is old enough to play with him. I already know they are going to be best friends <3

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