Wednesday, May 7, 2014

24 Week Pregnancy Update - Baby #2

Baby Remington is now 14" long and a good 2 pounds! Starting to fill out all that wrinkly skin :)

- I've gained a total of 17 pounds this pregnancy

- Working out this week has helped me feel so much better not only energy wise but I honestly feel better about the way I look. A huge help from my new Nike free run shoes!

- This week we had a midwife appointment which went awesome! Remingtons heart beat was 164 BPM and it was very loud and strong on the doppler! :)

- At our next appointment I have my glucose test which checks for gestational diabetes. Luckily this time they let me bring the nasty orange flavored drink home so I can take it before my appointment so I don't have to sit there for an hour to get my blood drawn. My midwife said if I fail this then I have to come back for a 3 hour glucose test which I can't bring home with my and I have to get my blood drawn every hour! Yuck! So no sweets the night before or the day of my test.

- Our midwife also showed me a cool trick on how to know if I'm feeling the head or not. She put two fingers on my belly and could bob his head up and down by gently pushing down, she showed me and now I know how to find his head! She said none of the other body parts with go down and back up by pushing on them except for the head.

- Remingtons kicks are SO strong and he kicks all the time now, especially through out the day and just before bed. He's such an active baby and now daddy gets to feel his kicks all the time.

-The midwife said he's measuring a little big, but definitely not something I need to be worried about.

-I've been craving Reeces! YUMM! Especially a reeces blizzard from DQ! Ahhmazing!

-Indigestion and acid reflux definitely attack me if I decided to get a good size meal right before bed! I definitely won't be doing that again.

- I ate right before bed one night and I woke up with a painful gas bubble in my stomach and a few hours later I started to have chest pain which lasted 24 hours until the next day :/

- My linea Negra is starting to get a little bit darker and is mostly noticeable on the lower half of my belly.

-No new stretch marks this week.

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