Thursday, January 30, 2014

11 weeks 2 days - Baby #2

Kissing his baby brother/sister <3

Kaiden is excited to be a big brother!

The weeks are going by so fast!

This was after I ate, but regardless, there is still a little bump :)

Our first ultrasound at 8 weeks and 3 days!

       We found out we were expecting little baby Swapp at only 12 DPO! I was about 3 weeks when we found out. I am now 11 weeks and 2 days. A little funny I'm starting this blog back up now because I started blogging with Kaidens pregnancy when I was 11 weeks and 5 days. I'm going to try and stay updated every week with how things are changing just like I did with Kaiden. So far I was sick from week six (starting Christmas Eve) up until week 9. I only had one bad day of morning sickness and only had nausea after that. Acne was TERRIBLE but now in week 11 the baby is starting to produce its own hormones instead of making mine go crazy so the acne is starting to mellow out. Definitely worse that when I was pregnant with Kaiden. I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I start to get light headed and dizzy as well. 
A few questions to stay updated on every week: 
How far along: 11 Weeks and 2 days! My weeks start over on Tuesdays and I am due August 19th 2014
Total weight gain: None yet, my weight is always between 102-107 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Nope not yet! I did buy a cute pair off zulily a few weeks ago but am not needing to wear them yet.
Stretch marks: No new ones that I know of, potentially a couple on my boobs but thats all. Its hard to tell through all my ones I got with Kaiden.
Sleep: Still have to get up at least once to pee, and am restless as always. A huge thank you to Jake, My cuddle buddy, and my snuggle, my other cuddle buddy. Lol. (my pregnancy pillow)
Best moment of this week: Pregnancy wise, nothing exciting. Enjoying spending all my time with our little man.
Miss anything: Hotdogs and corn dogs, I know GROSS! But I loved them. Especially sonics corn dogs! 
Movement: Not yet, just random belly twitches which get my excited for when I do get to feel this baby move.
Food cravings: SURPRISINGLY, NONE! This week I haven't craved anything in-particular but I have my appetite back which is nice. Milk and cereal and fresh fruit are my go to snacks through out the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Not this week! I'm hoping I'm out of the clear on this one. I just have to keep up on my daily snacks and staying hydrated. 
Have you started to show yet: A tiny pudge haha. I looked at my 6 week pictures I took and my stomach was a lot flatter. Last week my uterus was the size of a grape fruit! 
Gender: I say we're having another boy but Jake swears that we're having a girl.
Labor signs: I sure hope not!
Belly button in or out: In, as it will most likely stay the whole pregnancy. It never popped out with Kaiden, just got really flat and itchy haha.
Wedding rings on or off: On, still loose because I don't want to get it tightened until after the baby is born just in case my hands do swell I'll still be able to wear it. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week! Me and Kaiden just got over a cold, morning sickness and nausea is gone and today we finally got to see the sun after 2 weeks of an inversion. :)
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound for our first screen next week and our second midwife appointment! We can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat again!

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