Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving on..

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, when it was just me and my family. Mom, dad, brother, and little old me, and all of our pets of course! Moving apart, experiencing new things, Having families of our own, is all exciting and part of growing up. But at times I think think back and ask myself where did all that time go? From when I was a toddler until now. I miss being a kid, having rules, and most importantly the memories. Me and my brother didn't always get along, hardly ever once we turned teenagers Actually. Things that wouldn't even matter to someone else, are actually really close to me. Every summer when it was just us and the parents would go to work and we would have to entertain ourselves.. Before Internet! Almost everyday we would eat those kid cuisines (back when they had cool prizes in them!) and I would always try to take the prize. We each had our own chicken and we would take them on "adventures" on our 5 acre property, and one day we were having to much fun and mom kept trying to call the house and came home when she thought something had happened. When mom or dad would come down the drive way and we would get all of our chores done in that 2 minutes.. When me and my brother would pull our shirts over our knees and act like midgets lol. Or when my brother had his friend over staying the night and I got scared, so he let his little sister sleep on the floor of his room. Or when the night after Christmas, it was 2AM and me and my brother were up making bead animals and we see my doorknob turn and we run into my parents room and they were dead asleep! There's just so many memories that I miss and I wish I would have taken the time to slow down and realize that life does go on. My brother is now moving to Oregon and my parents are possibly going to as well. I cherish those memories because we don't make to many new ones anymore of just our family. We now have Kaiden to make his childhood as awesome as we can make it. Just don't take any moment for granted because it won't be there for ever.

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