Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving on..

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, when it was just me and my family. Mom, dad, brother, and little old me, and all of our pets of course! Moving apart, experiencing new things, Having families of our own, is all exciting and part of growing up. But at times I think think back and ask myself where did all that time go? From when I was a toddler until now. I miss being a kid, having rules, and most importantly the memories. Me and my brother didn't always get along, hardly ever once we turned teenagers Actually. Things that wouldn't even matter to someone else, are actually really close to me. Every summer when it was just us and the parents would go to work and we would have to entertain ourselves.. Before Internet! Almost everyday we would eat those kid cuisines (back when they had cool prizes in them!) and I would always try to take the prize. We each had our own chicken and we would take them on "adventures" on our 5 acre property, and one day we were having to much fun and mom kept trying to call the house and came home when she thought something had happened. When mom or dad would come down the drive way and we would get all of our chores done in that 2 minutes.. When me and my brother would pull our shirts over our knees and act like midgets lol. Or when my brother had his friend over staying the night and I got scared, so he let his little sister sleep on the floor of his room. Or when the night after Christmas, it was 2AM and me and my brother were up making bead animals and we see my doorknob turn and we run into my parents room and they were dead asleep! There's just so many memories that I miss and I wish I would have taken the time to slow down and realize that life does go on. My brother is now moving to Oregon and my parents are possibly going to as well. I cherish those memories because we don't make to many new ones anymore of just our family. We now have Kaiden to make his childhood as awesome as we can make it. Just don't take any moment for granted because it won't be there for ever.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This crazy life of mine!!

Today is September 27th! The first day of my first REAL job! I am now a full time college student, working part time, and a full time mommy, daughter and girlfriend.. Now that I have a job I am wondering if I will ever get a break. Sometime I wish I could do one or the other but then if I stop going to school what will I make of myself besides a $10.00 an hour paycheck? And if I didn't work, where would the extra money come from. Yes Jake works and pays the bills but we want some money we can go out and do things with out wondering how much is in our bank account.. Not to mention not putting all the stress on him! I love my job and were still in training, getting our background checks, finger prints and taking the CPR/first aid class. I just wish there was enough hours in the day to get all my homework done, go to work, spend hours and hours with Kaiden and Jake and time to my self As well to relax! I'm just hoping I'm not going to burn myself out. I'm already begging for Christmas break to be here! Exams for school are this week and next week and if you know me.. I suck at taking tests :(. I just need to get through next week and things will be much better! We also lost our awesome baby sitter who is moving to Boise so that is also pretty stressful looking for someone we know and trust! Anyways I'm not complaining just a little stressed but once I get into the swing of things it should be much better.. Just needed to vent a little lol, sorry guys!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What Kaiden did during his 7th month of life!

Whats been going on?!

I have not updated in MONTHS and have so much stuff to update on.. Especially Kaiden's monthly updates, which I will be putting up in a different blog, including his 7 month update. He is now 8 months old already! And will be 9 months on the 9th of October :) Just a little update before I get into his monthly updates, I am in college full time, for my Social work/ sociology degree. I have 3 in person classes for about 8 total hours a week and 2 online classes. I love my classes, besides math, I'm so bad at math. Other than that I am just a stay at home mom, working on homework, keeping the house clean and what not. Some big news is we got a French bulldog as well! Her name is Gracie and we could not ask for a better dog! She is so calm, and amazing with Kaiden. They are best friends already! Whenever Kaiden is sitting on the ground playing and rolling around Gracie is sitting right by his side! :) She is potty trained and about a year and a half old. She fits right in with our family :) What else is new...? hmm. Well Jake is still working at Dennis Dillon, and I have a job interview for AFI which is an organization that helps mentally handicapped people and kids with everyday tasks. I'm not sure if I'm going to go to the interview or take the job since I don't have someone to watch Kaiden unless it's after 4:30 and I just don't trust daycares. So we will see about that, :) Also, I'm not sure if I updated about our move which was at the end of August and we LOVE our place. 2 Bedroom 1.5 bath in a nice neighborhood. It is a town home with two other people on our left, but they are so quite I don't think we have even heard a sound from them. We recently got a letter in the mail that said they were selling our place.. We freaked out! We were thinking we will not be able to find a place that nice for that good of a price. Luckily when I went in to talk to them they informed us that it was only to investors so we wouldn't get kicked out and our lease would be the same,, so a big sigh of relief there! :) Not much else to update on me and Jake, I will not go and update Kaiden for his 7 month update. So stay tuned.. LOL :) And check out the pictures of Gracie Girl below! 
Kaiden and Gracie

Vlogging with Gracie