Monday, July 16, 2012

6 Month update!

Today Kaiden is six months and one week old! And guess what...?? His front two teeth are popping through. Hence the picture below! :D I didn't know I could get so excited over something as simple as teeth lol. I didn't even know he was teething, he hasn't been any more fussy at all or drooling anymore than usual either.

Also he recently rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time! I was in the other room and he was on his playmat and when I came back into his room he was on his tummy. So many exciting things. This is my favorite part of being a mommy watching him grow up. Jake is now at A.T. Luckily he only has to be there for ten days this year, Last year he had to be in Washington for a whole month. Now he will be able to help us move into our new place and clean the old apartment. His birthday is on the 22nd this month. We're planning on having a BBQ for him sometime next months and also going to Tucano's brazilian grill. Here's a few more pictures of him, I'm pretty sure he's the cutest baby boy in the world :) lol. Love you boo boo. 

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