Thursday, July 26, 2012


I entered Kaiden into the cutest baby contest on facebook to be entered into win a free photography session for him! I need YOUR help to win! All you have to do is go to the link below and scroll down and click "like" on Kaiden's picture. Go down until you see my facebook name "Jessie Johnson" and the picture is of Kaiden in his bear outfit and he's sitting in his car seat. 
Please and thank you everyone!! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

6 Month update!

Today Kaiden is six months and one week old! And guess what...?? His front two teeth are popping through. Hence the picture below! :D I didn't know I could get so excited over something as simple as teeth lol. I didn't even know he was teething, he hasn't been any more fussy at all or drooling anymore than usual either.

Also he recently rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time! I was in the other room and he was on his playmat and when I came back into his room he was on his tummy. So many exciting things. This is my favorite part of being a mommy watching him grow up. Jake is now at A.T. Luckily he only has to be there for ten days this year, Last year he had to be in Washington for a whole month. Now he will be able to help us move into our new place and clean the old apartment. His birthday is on the 22nd this month. We're planning on having a BBQ for him sometime next months and also going to Tucano's brazilian grill. Here's a few more pictures of him, I'm pretty sure he's the cutest baby boy in the world :) lol. Love you boo boo. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Kaiden at the water park in July

On July 7th 2012 Kaiden went to his first "water park." Let's just say he is such a water baby. He LOVED putting his hands in and trying to catch the water. It was such a hot day he really didn't even mind when the water would get in his face. He also got to go on the swings at the park, which we are still practicing on doing. lol. He doesn't quite know how to hold himself up in the swing yet. I am definitely going to be taking him back to this park a lot as he gets older. It's called adventure island in settlers park in Meridian. It has a water part on during the summer, and a huge play ground. 

Kaiden didn't like the other kids? jk. haha.

Kaiden and Daddy! 

The faces my child makes! hahaha <3 

Baby's first fourth of July

This year was Kaiden's first fourth of July. Technically we weren't with him on the fourth because me and Jake went out of town with some friends, but we celebrated his first fourth the Wednesday before at an event called the God and country rally. We watched fireworks, a lot of my friends got to meet Kaiden for the first time! He had a blast. Kaiden did not get scared by the fire works at all and was really into them and watched them almost the whole way through, and during the finally he actually passed out lol. Such a tired boy. We love you little man :)
Mommy, daddy, and baby watching fireworks for the first time! :)

Kaiden with his God parents.

His outfit for the day, "Daddy is my hero"

Hanging out with mommy

He's such a ladies man :)