Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The simple things in life :)

Being a mommy makes you think about so many more things in life, the beautiful things, that you have never thought of before. I am a teen mom but I don't feel like a teenager any more, and that's okay. I'm happier than I have ever been in life at this moment right now, I know who I am now, what I live for, and who I want to be. Here's things that make me so happy in life just from being a mommy:
-Waking up to Kaiden's smile in the morning.
-The way he giggles when he's "in trouble" make me forget everything in that moment but him.
-The way he sleeps on my chest so peacefully, he is truly an angel.
-How he looks at me and Jake, with so much love.
-How he tries to eat EVERYTHING he picks up.(:
-How he wants to do everything on his own
-The face he makes when he tries something new (baby food.)
-How he screams and laughs when we tickle him.
Kaiden is what inspires me to be a better person.
I never do anything with out thinking of him first, even when I'm not with him.
I have someone looking up to me, to be their mommy, their protector, so nothing
in this world can hurt him. He is the smallest person yet has the most meaning in my life.
I love you baby boy<3

Thursday, June 21, 2012

5 1/2 months old

Kaiden is almost six months now! WOW! How time flys. It feels like I had him just a few months ago. Kaiden is learning a lot of new things. He has rolled over from his tummy to his back at least 6 times and is currently practicing rolling onto his tummy. He's a little over 15 pounds right now and is still in size 2 diapers. He currently eats about seven oz. every four hours. Sometimes three. He LOVES baby food! He has had pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas and peas. Last night we tried feeding him organic baby rice cereal which was a definite NO. lol, as you can see from the pictures below. He also went swimming for the first time as well! He loved the pool which was no surprise to me because he loves bath time. :) Kaiden is now in size 6-9 month clothing but can still fit in some of the carters 3 and 3-6 month clothes. His six month appointment is in a couple weeks, but I am thinking about switching pediatricians. I am anti-vaccine and am looking for a doctor who respects that and doesn't treat me and my son differently because of that decision. Anyways, Kaiden is a TOTAL daddies boy. He gets so excited when his daddy gets home he'll even stop eating and start giggling when he see's Jake. It melts my heart seeing those two together because I see how happy Jake makes Kaiden. Kaiden learned how to blow bubbles "rasberries" and does that all the time now. He doesn't that much but is slowly finding his voice. Everyone that meets him says how quite of a baby he is and say that most babies they meet just cry all the time lol(: He doesn't cry much at all, only when he's hungry or when we're outside and the sun gets in his eyes, which is why we got him some sunglasses (picture below). That's about all of the new stuff for Kaiden, :) I still can't believe he's about to turn six months old!
First time in the pool :)

Batman in the bath! :D 

Organic rice cereal.. YUCK! 

Looking pretty fly in his new sunglasses :)

And his Tux.  
Daddy and Kaiden at dinner.