Friday, March 30, 2012

Quick Update :)

Kaiden is doing amazing. Just a quick little update. (: Mommy life is so much fun and I couldn't imagine not having our baby boy in my life. He is my entire world, Everytime he smiles or "talks" it melts my little heart. You really can't describe to someone who's never been a mommy before how amazing and special it is. It really is true that there is no greater love than a mothers. Kaiden is almost 3 months old already which seems absolutely crazy. It does not seem like 3 months has gone by, from the labor part and being in the NICU for a week. He has grown to be the happiest baby. Smiling and "talking" all the time. (Except when he's hungry of course). lol. He sleeps all night long from about eleven at night until ten in the morning. He eats 8oz. every 4 hours, and from what I hear he's quite the little hunk eating that much haha, unless he is on another growth spurt. At his 2 month appointment which was on the 14 we found out he is a little over 12 pounds and 22 inches long. The Doc also said he has a really big head. It had grown an inch and a half from his last appointment. In the pictures below that we got taken he was about 2 and half months old. We plan on getting some more taken in about 3 months when he will be 6 months old. Also at his 2 month appointment we decided not to get him any shots by weighing the risk factors and the probability that he would get it. When researching each shot we found out how much bad things are actually in them and at 2 months getting that many shots is a lot for a babies body to take. Anyways, next month I start signing up for my classes to go back to school... YAY! And only another 3 semesters and I will have my associates out of the way. I have also been working out everyday lately to loose the baby weight.. I've lost 3 pounds so far and 2 inches off my waist! I'm gunna get the body I want for summer time(: haha. Also no more babies for awhile.. haha. I got the paragard and it lasts up to ten years.(:. So to sum this up everything is going great at the Swapp residents. Thank you all for your support<3

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