Friday, April 11, 2014

20 Week Pregnancy Update - Baby #2

19 Week Pregnancy Update - Baby #2

How far along: 19 Weeks 
Total weight gain: 11-12 pounds I now weigh 115 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still wearing stretchy shirts and yoga pants :)
Stretch marks: No new stretch marks, and the belly hasn't been as itchy as it was last week which is AWESOME!
Sleep: Same as last week :) It takes me awhile to get to sleep but once I'm asleep I don't wake up.
Best moment of this week: Jake got to feel baby Remington move for the FIRST time this week! We were laying on the couch and I started to feel him move so I put Jakes hand on my belly and Remington kicked him like 3 times. :D
Miss anything: Raw cookie dough haha
Movement: Baby Remi has been kicking so much this week! and they are starting to get stronger.
Food cravings: Homemade chocolate chip cookies! YUM! With milk ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!. :)
Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger every week! and I'm about twice the size I was when I was this many weeks pregnant with Kaiden.
Gender: It's a BOY!! :D 
Labor signs: No labor signs.
Belly button in or out: belly button is flat with a tiny point! 
Wedding rings on or off: On but I swear its starting to get a little tighter. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy this week! Most of my energy has come back (:

Looking forward to: Baby Remi's kicks getting stronger so Jake can start to feel them even more now (:

BABY BUYS: Nothing new this week :)

Other Symptoms:  Acid reflux has started but only a tiny bit and usually goes away with in a few minutes. This week its been harder to take deep breaths with out laying down. Gas. Nesting/ Cleaning.